''And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger./And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.''
Active, living, God-given and operative faith, the kind planted by the finger of the Spirit of God, sees no difference between promise and the performance thereof; a saint must be deeply convinced and taken hold of by this truth. God's promises is performance in the bud, performance is promises in fruition: these two goes together. As Esue and Jacob had one womb wherein they were concieved, so also the promise and performance were concieved in the womb of eternity; as Esue and Jacob were born the same day, so whenever God promises a thing, the performance of that thing comes forth as well out of His eternal power--God promises according to His riches in glory, also He performs what He promises according to His riches in glory. These two issue from the womb of His eternal power. Any where faith sees a promise, it also sees performance streching out its hand to take hold on the promises' heel '...and his hand took hold on Esau's heel...' vs 26. When Rebekah gave birth to this twins, one of her breast belonged to Esue and the other for Jacob: these are for nourishment. These two hanged on the breast of there mother for nourishment: so also the promise and performance are nutured by God: the promise must grow in our estimate, nutured by the breast of our faith; our faith must nurture the sight of the performance and see to it that it stands real to us as the promise is. Take note that Esue came first, then Jacob, but both came the same day. We take Esue to stand for the promise: to man, promise comes before performance. Jacob who came aftet stands for performance. Do you notice that Rebekah loved Jacob more: well before God, the promise and permance are equaly loved, but glory accrues to more God by performance than promise. Man praises in performance than in bare promises; thanksgiving naturally is drawn out by performance than by promise. God always eyes His glory, so anything that brings Him glory, He sets His love on such. Friends and brothers, however, know that the day the words of promise came out of God's mouth, performances of those promises emanated out as well. If it is promised, it has also been performed. Rejoice in all the promises of God, oh saints! Rejoice in the promises of eternal life, health, peace, the forgiveness of sins and the owning of God as our portion. _________________ Ojoje Adeyi