Poster | Thread | docs Member
Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Christianity Today calls for President Trump's removal | | It's easy to Google. It's everywhere. The magazine was founded by Billy Graham and Reverend Graham's son Franklin has spoken out against the magazine using Reverend Billy's name in the article. CT says Trump needs to go.
I've been wondering lately. Daniel prayed and the messenger that finally came said he had been sent with the answer from the first day Daniel prayed but had been fought by opposing forces for 21 days, thus the delay. A 21 day conflict signifies great spiritual warfare. The answer was obviously so weighty and had so much significance that it was vehemently opposed. Meanwhile, I've never seen such hostility and opposition break out against what so far should be seen as a secular ruler - President Trump (who ain't the Antichrist). Is what he has been ordained to do so important and weighty that opposing powers feel the need to throw the kitchen sink at him? I guess the secular ruler Cyrus was used to do very important things. Maybe it's the same with President Trump. He has achieved an awful lot that goes against the "system" that has risen against him. But something way out of the ordinary is going on by way of opposition. Can his friendship to Israel and that nation be part of the reason for the opposition? Perhaps. I'm not sure but anybody and everything that is someone has risen against him. My question is what has he done or is called to do so weighty that he has been oppose like this? There must be something unseen that even we as the church may not be able to fully see. I guess. This is not a total endorsement of him. I believe he could stand to reel in by several feet his unbashed rhetoric at times. Yet principalities and powers have set their hand against him in a big way and my question is WHY. _________________ David Winter
| 2019/12/20 11:28 | Profile | sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: Christianity Today calls for President Trump's removal | | Quote:
Can his friendship to Israel and that nation be part of the reason for the opposition?
Absolutely the choices Trump has made has led to make him so many enemies.
He has done good righteous choices aganst Abortion. In support of Israel, and other great things that we should thank God for.
As Christians we are commanded to pray for Presidents and kings and not critisize them.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2019/12/20 12:25 | Profile | MrBillPro Member
Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | This is news to us, but not news to God, he warned us in 2nd Timothy this would be happening, and Christianity Today is not exempt.
2nd Timothy 3
3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
_________________ Bill
| 2019/12/20 13:27 | Profile | AbideinHim Member
Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | "my father Billy Graham ... believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation. For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the unfathomable." -... Franklin Graham
“CT, like Pelosi, makes claims w/o evidence. We’ve heard this before. Christians should apply a biblical worldview, not a PC worldview, to the current political landscape. Donald Trump’s robust record on life & religious liberty speaks for itself.” Tony Perkins - Family Research Council.
_________________ Mike
| 2019/12/20 13:54 | Profile | AbideinHim Member
Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| | 2019/12/20 15:28 | Profile | rufnrust Member
Joined: 2010/1/9 Posts: 261 Indiana
| Re: Christianity Today calls for President Trump's removal | | Can we believe that Christianity Today has not only prayed for our leaders but has issued a call to pray? Doesn't sound like it.
Rusty _________________ Russell
| 2019/12/20 17:26 | Profile | Sidewalk Member
Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: American Politics | | I expect many who read these postings are not Americans nor are they familiar with the robust political dialogue that we Americans take freely for granted. Most places in the world are not free to rip into the politicians and leaders to whom they are subject- here in America it is daily bloodsport.
Our 45th President is difficult to compare to any of the previous 44. Those men were generally accomplished politicians, with tactical skills on the political process carefully tuned to the political game, careful of their donors, careful of their private allegiances, and extremely careful to preserve their public images. That is what America has come to expect of its Presidents, and no one who appeared likely to stray from that expectation ever came very close to winning the most prestigious office in the present world.
Then——— along came Barack Obama. A man whose skin color stunned and amazed the whole nation, no one with black skin had ever emerged with such such a presence of authority, such perfectly pressed trousers, such mesmerizing speech, and such a vacant and mysterious past. It was like the Messiah had arrived, and he swept into office with almost effortless ease.
He was an empty suit. He was without even a birth certificate, an educational record, a legislative record, he was apparently a Muslim though many still can’t believe that even though he acknowledges it in his words, actions, and writings- and his 8 years in office left much of the American economy in shambles as the national debt skyrocketed to many trillions of dollars.
He bumbled his foreign policies, bumbled his military endeavors, and regularly insulted the very nation itself. In the meantime, he somehow accumulated for himself millions in personal assets. When he left office, he immediately purchased a multi-million dollar mansion next to the ocean he assured the nation would soon rise and devour with global warming.
The nation watched all this- many with their jaws hanging open in disbelief. It was an amazing departure from everything we expected of a President, and a serious disappointment to those who believed the Messiah had come.
Many were more than ready for someone to fix what Obama had broken.
So..... Donald Trump came down the escalator and said he wanted to give that repair job a try. Skeptical at first- everyone I know certainly was- but in the end it was either him or a woman who made Al Capone look like a Sunday School teacher. We voted in a rough and crude man with zero political experience.
No political experience, but lots of “president” experience.
Since then, the economy came rushing back, international trade deals that were like advanced calculus to previous Presidents were negotiated and began to produce at long last equitable trade relations, a wall is being built on the southern border that will force foreigners to use proper doors to enter the country, the military is being strengthened, the American embassy in Israel is now in Jerusalem, the ISIS terrorists have been organizationally decimated, and NATO strategic defense partners are paying their shares of that cost.
American family incomes are up about $5000 annually, unemployment is around 3.5%, and about 7 million jobs are un-filled- conditions unknown to many Americans.
In the meantime, as we speak a massive movement to control power and money within the government has been exposed- a corruption of unbelievable proportions. Operatives in the FBI, the CIA, and NSA believed that their power was secret and unassailable- but is beginning to unravel. The daily revelations of the corruption portend a huge eruption in the near future with truth that was never to be known being shouted from rooftops.
All because of this man- Donald Trump.
Personally, I am most surprised that he has not been physically eliminated by the dark powers he is exposing- and I thank God for that. He is a man I pray for, a man who seems to covet those prayers, a man who is extremely rough around his edges but is doing something none of us could dream of doing. The opposition to him is enormous, the attacks are full on, day after day- the energy he has to stand against all of it borders on the supernatural!
Oh yeah- “Christianity Today.” Almost forgot. An intellectual publication desperate to pretend it matters in the world of sophistry and insight.
A paper that reflects spiritual pride and academic mastery but has never in many years knelt next to desperate and broken men and women crying out to the God of forgiveness and miracles. It is a publication of self-serving irrelevance and now leftist pandering. The mark has been missed.
The Pharisees knew they had Jesus in just the right corner one day, a question that they prepared to have Him either crushed by the Roman government, or skewered by the Jewish populace. A question that left Jesus no place to hide.
“So, Rabbi- is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?”
To say “No” was to encourage a political rebellion bound to certain failure- but one where the Pharisees could side with the Romans as Jesus was bound and executed as a political rebel.
To say “Yes” was to simply turn the crowds against Him, undercutting His appeal which caused such fierce jealousy among the Pharisees.
Jesus of course knew all of this- and easily slipped out of the noose. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and render unto God the things that are God’s.”
Jesus knew not to tread on ground that He did not own, to opine on things where His authority did not fit. He had a mission to reach hearts, to turn those to God, to build a kingdom of those hearts- all in a world clamoring for other things. The editorial board at Christianity Today should pay attention to these things. But they won’t.
Jesus continues with His mission. And He is doing a marvelous job.
As Trump is doing his.
Thank You God. You do find some strange and amazing people to fulfill Your purposes in the world.
I watch in awe.... _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2019/12/21 0:21 | Profile | AbideinHim Member
Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | Brother Tom,
Excellent article on President Trump and CT. I agree with everything that you wrote.
May we continue to obey the scripture and pray for all those in authority, for President Trump, “so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” (1 Timothy 2:2)
May God give us the grace to do so.
Thank you!
_________________ Mike
| 2019/12/21 1:09 | Profile | docs Member
Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | I agree also with Tom. Good thoughts. And everyone else. Basically a clandestine coup is being attempted to nullify the results of an election they didn't like the results of. In their eyes and the system they serve no true outsiders are to be allowed. That is apparent now. _________________ David Winter
| 2019/12/21 5:06 | Profile |
| Re: | | "Christianity" Today is a liberal theology mag which also promotes Roman Catholicism. It is not an evangelical Christian publication. |
| 2019/12/21 8:13 | |