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 Life in the Holiest must be a life of Love by Andrew Murray

Consider one another, to provoke unto love and good works. Love and good works- These are to be the aim of the Church in the exercise of its fellowship. Everything that can hinder love is to be sacrificed and set aside. Everything that can promote, and prove, and provoke others to, love is to be studied and performed.

And with love good works too. The Church has been redeemed by Christ, to prove to the world what power He has to cleanse from sin, to conquer evil, to restore to holiness and to goodness. Let us consider one another, in every possible way, to provoke, to stir up, to help to love and good works.

Life in the Holiest must be a life of love. As earnest as the injunction, Let us draw near in fullness of faith, Let us hold fast the confession of our hope,( verse 23) , Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works. God is love. And all He has done for us in His Son, as revealed in this Epistle, is love. And Christ is love. And there can be no real access to God as a union with Him in His holy will, no real communion with Him, but in the Spirit of love. Our entering into the Holiest is mere imagination, if we do not yield ourselves to the love of God in Christ, to be filled and used for the welfare and joy of our fellow-men.

O Christian, study what love is! Study it in the Word, in Christ, in God. As you see Him to be an ever-flowing fountain of all goodness, who has His very being and glory in this, that He lives in all that exists, and communicates to all His own blessedness and perfection as far as they are capable of it, you will learn to acknowledge that he who loves not has not known God. And you will learn, too, to admit more deeply and truly than ever before, that no effort of your will can bring forth love; it must be given to you from above. This will become to you one of the chief joys and beauties of the Holiest of All, that there you can wait on the God of love to fill you with His love. God has the power to shed abroad His love in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit given to us. He has promised to give Christ, so dwelling in our hearts by faith, that we shall be rooted and grounded in love, and know and have in us something of a love that passes knowledge. The very atmosphere of the Holiest is love. Just as I breathe in the air in which I live, so the soul that abides in the presence of God breathes the air of the upper world. The promise held out to us, and the hour of its fulfillment, will come, when the love of God will be perfected in us, and we are made perfect in love. Nowhere can this be but in the Holiest; but there most surely. Let us draw near in the fullness of faith, and consider one another. While we are only thinking of others to bring God s love to them, we will find God thinking of us, and filling us with it.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/11/14 12:53Profile

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