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Joined: 2017/2/12
Posts: 964

 Defining faith. (A faith that defines)

God accepted and commended a certain kind of “normal” faith in the Book of Hebrews. It was the kind of faith that forsook the worldly life and the attractions offered by the world and overcame persecution and troubles that came from the world because their hope and home was not of this world. Their vision, their life direction and their life purpose was focused entirely on the city to come. They refused to turn back to the world and as aliens, pushed forward, pressing on to the upward calling. I repeat, their life was not about this world.

This kind of normal faith is not meant to be heroic but rather ordinary for the saint. Today though, it isn’t even considered heroic, but rather radical, overzealous and, we hope, unnecessary.

Are we going to one day be a “cloud of witnesses” to the kind of faith that pleases God ? Those who testify to another generation that the loss and pain we pursued because we ran hard after Jesus were worth it? Is God pleased with and commending of our faith ? There is a faith that God commends. Jesus described it in the parable of the soils.
It doesn’t just happen to us. It’s a race we run unchained and unhindered by the world. When you don’t run, you don’t race.


 2019/10/19 19:03Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: Defining faith. (A faith that defines)

Brother Robert: some of your posts of late are absolutely stunning insights into God's word.

I appreciate them. I need them.


 2019/10/21 16:17Profile

Joined: 2017/2/12
Posts: 964


Thanks Marvin. But in reality they are really just rewordings and summaries of His Word. His Word is what His people need. Which word and when is important and that is His Spirit. Blessings.


 2019/10/21 17:07Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Yes and Amen🙏🏻

Totally agree with brother Marvins comment!

Brother Robert, this was very well articulated:)))
“There is a faith that God commends. Jesus described it in the parable of the soils.
It doesn’t just happen to us. It’s a race we run unchained and unhindered by the world. When you don’t run, you don’t race.”


 2019/10/21 21:29Profile

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