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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : “FIRMNESS IN PRAYER”

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Joined: 2019/10/11
Posts: 18


“The consistency of true prayer is in faith, and in waiting on Him. First you believe that you are in His presence. You believe that you are turning to Him with your heart. And you wait there before Him, tranquilly. These are the only preparations that you need. The final results contain a great deal of fruit.

You may expect the enemy to come to you, to disquiet you and cause you trouble, for that is his nature. You will find that the nature of those things you have always enjoyed— pleasures your outward senses have derived from spiritual things (including areas in which you are gifted)—all these will become weak.
You might even expect weariness. All exercise can become difficult. Whether you have these, or other problems…persevere.

“You can expect to suffer through problems of a multitude of thoughts, problems of the imagination, provocation of your natural desires, and problems of an inward life that is very dry. All of these temptations must yield to the spirit.
Though these situations are all referred to as dryness, truthfully they are very profitable. That is, they are profitable if you embrace them and receive them with patience.
And if it seems to you that you have done nothing in the time that you have set aside for the Lord, do not be deceived. A good heart—a firmness in prayer—is something that is very pleasing to your Lord.
When we come to the Lord in this way we labor without personal interest. We labor merely for the glory of God. Surely it may seem that we wait in vain, yet this is not so. We are as the young men who work in the field with their father. At the “end of the day, unlike the hired labor, we receive no pay.
But at the end of the year, we enjoy all things” Michael Molinos

Excerpt From
100 Days in the Secret Place
Gene Edwards
This book can be purchased on iTunes

Josiah Schmeling

 2019/10/15 8:54Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282


Thank you for posting, brother.
A timely word for this sister today and others who read here,
no doubt!
Confirmation is sweet and comforting
in a time of waiting upon God.


 2019/10/15 10:41Profile

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