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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Solace of Silence!

Reading: Job 42:1-17
"I waited patiently for the Lord" (Psa 40:1a)

Patience is the secret! Doctors need patience to perform successful surgeries. Engineers need patience to build complex structures. Teachers need patience to produce distinguished scholars. Parents need patience to raise responsible children. Scientists need patience to explore shrouded mysteries. Spouses need patience to build harmonious families. Christians need patience to develop holy character.

God sends difficulties and disappointments, and allows defeats and diseases in our lives to serve as a rod of correction. His punishments are not just an expression of anger. He has the end in view, even our transformation (Heb 12:10). Our problem is that we want to have solutions and explanations right now (v11). We reject God's voice of silence and turn to wrong sources. The result is further complications. Impatience with the dealings of God wastes our time and energy. A minor sprain becomes a major dislocation (v13b). But "perseverance produces character" (Rom 5:3,4).

In the beginning of Christian life we may only "hear" about the holiness of God. After walking through fires of testing we will actually "see" His holiness. Our repentance will be deepened. It's no more prayers of repentance at the altar, but tears of repentance in ashes! This was Job's experience (Job 42:5,6). The Bible calls us to follow the "patience of Job" (Js 5:11). We must study all our lifetime in the School of Suffering and College of Chastisement. God has used sicknesses to break the lifestyle of many an arrogant man and woman. Following a bitter experience with a killer disease, King Hezekiah decided, "I will walk humbly all my years because of this anguish of my soul" (Isa 38:15b).

God has no pleasure in our suffering. If we sinful people desire that our children should be happy and healthy, how much more will our heavenly Father desire so for His children! But if suffering is an incomparable means to correct us and teach us His ways, will the Heavenly Father spoil us by sparing that rod? Job said, "Teach me, and I will be silent; and show me how I have erred" (Job 6:24). If we recollect the outcome of the sufferings of the past, we will stay patient instead of turning bitter. In inescapable and inexplicable situations, let's tell God what Job said, "I am nothing — how could I ever find the answers? I will put my hand over my mouth in silence" (Job 40:4).

Heavy-laden, sore oppressed, love can soothe thy troubled breast;
In the Saviour find thy rest; at the Cross there's room!
(Fanny J. Crosby, 1823-1915)


SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/10/12 12:47Profile

Joined: 2019/10/11
Posts: 18

 Re: Solace of Silence!

Great word brother! Thank you for sharing this...Definitely a word in season for me!

Josiah Schmeling

 2019/10/12 13:05Profile

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