Saints,We have opened up a Patreon page which is an exciting new way to support the work of SermonInde. Esssentially it will give you a closer look and interaction with how SermonIndex grows and you will have input into next steps etc. Learn more here: Patreon?We have had paypal giving options available for years and are thankful for everyone who has sent in $5 or $500. Patreon is a great platform that allows people to subscribe to give a small amount to make a great impact. Really if just 10% of daily users of SermonIndex got behind the ministry in this way we could get many more things accomplished. Some Future Goals?Here are a few of our "possible" future goals (of course there are many more these are just a few larger ideas):1) Wordpress plugin - Allowing people to connect with our free API of sermons essentially allowing anyone who has a wordpress site to add 10 or 10,000 of our sermons to their website.2) Commentaries - We have over 100+ commentaries and other resources in text format that are not available in any online searchable site. We would love to be able to get these up onto SermonIndex adding 50,000+ new pages of godly content for belivers for free access.3) New Website - We have had the same website CMS running for 15+ years and though it has worked perfectly for our purposes an upgrade is pending! A new website will enable us to add many new features that have been lacking.4) Blogs - There is a consideration to add 30-40+ blogs from very well known godly preachers and bloggers to SermonIndex. This would not replace the discussion forums but be featured content on the site that saints could comment on and share and interact with.5) Your ideas! - As a patreon subscriber offer your ideas, suggestions and input more readily into the development of
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Oh the simplicity of Sermonindex as it is today. Are we sure that we want to make changes so that we can keep up with the world as it is today?
Dear sister,I know how you feel and do not worry the updated design would match the current look as much as possible so really it would not feel much different (that would be the end goal). But there would be new features.I am not a fan personally of a huge change in the website or something drastically different.Hoping that puts your heart at ease.
Just bringing forth what the LORD put on my heart.God bless you dear brother!