Dear brothers and sisters.
Some of you may remember my story. I was widowed almost 7 years ago (already!!), and was left with 6 children to support. During this time, the Lord has been AS EVER faithful; we have had no needs. Sometimes I have doubted, to my shame, but He has always proven Himself.
I have struggled financially, to some degree or another, during this time. By US government standards, I am supposedly way below the poverty level (lol), although I do not feel at all poor. We have a great place to live, food (as much as we want), transportation, etc. However, I have felt restricted in my giving, which has been my heart, and there is some stress in certain times.
I have also decided that I must return to be at home. My family has suffered from me being out working, which of course is what I have needed to do. However, I have not been available to be the spiritual leader as I had in the past, being exhausted and busy most of the day.
I have looked for work that I can do from home. I have a part-time job lined up for that, but will need to supplement that one.
However, I have found an AMAZING opportunity where I would work from home, earning four times what I have currently been earning. I am very qualified for the position, but I am not usually that great at selling myself in resumes and cover letters, since I always feel that is God's job for me. I am submitting my application and would simply ask that you pray, if you are led, that the Lord will give me favor to get this position, if that is His will.
I do not want this money to go and spend it on stuff. I have been asking the Lord to give me to opportunity to give as is the desire in my heart, and that is what I want to do.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Natalie _________________ Natalie