Please pray for the Lords will concerning a certain situation. The doors are closing where I am, and the doors are opening in another area. If it’s the Lords will, that He will make it very clear, if it’s not His will, that the door slams shut. Thank you. Praise Jesus!
Amen sister may the Lord bless, guide and prosper you in this next step.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Father we thank you for who you are and for what you have already accomplished for us through Christ Jesus, that we may know you. Your word is life, where else can we go? We thank you Lord that you give our sister ears to hear you clearly, and a heart to obey you completely 🙏🏻 In Jesus name we pray- Amen
Sherri, Am agreeing with these in prayer for God's best for you. He is faithful and true.Les
Father,We thank you that you give wisdom to all that ask, and are seeking to do your will. We thank you Lord that you have said that we are not to lean to our own understanding, but to acknowledge you in all of our ways and you would direct our paths. We thank you Father for leading our Sister by the Holy Spirit into your perfect will concerning this matter. We ask you Father to close every door that is outside of your will, and open the door that you would have her to walk through, in Jesus name we pray!
So very thankful. Rejoicing! The Lord has opened the door . Praise Jesus!
Thank you for praying, the Lord has opened the doors concerning His will. Please continue to pray, there is increasing opposition from many voices questioning the wisdom of this. For the past couple of years there’s been a gentle nudge of the Lord to do this, even though it doesn’t make sense to the human mind. Through all of the chaos, there is the peace of God. Stepping out in faith, obeying and trusting God. Praise Jesus.