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Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC



Is there a difference between a two piece bathing suit and a bra and panties?

No, there isn't, not at all. Now, would it be appropriate for a woman from our fellowship, regardless of how holy she is, to walk around our Bible study in her underwear? Would that be a stumbling block for others? Do you think that at least one man would look lustfully? If so, then she needs to refrain.

If the Lord allowed her to, it would be fine... though I would never even remotely advise she do such, and if she did, I would probably go get her some clothing from walmart real quick. But, I believe this once again falls under the area of Isaiah and Micah going around Jerusalem preaching in the buff.

And as far as a difference between bra/panties & 2 piece bathing suit, I can't say I'm an expert on either. But from my experience in retail (I work at Target), I've noticed that it seems bra's & panties tend to be thinner, and perhaps allow you to see through them a bit. But all that depends on design, fabric, etc. It's a fine line difference.

Jimmy H

 2005/7/20 15:50Profile

Joined: 2003/5/12
Posts: 573



"Is there a difference between a two piece bathing suit and a bra and panties?
No, there isn't, not at all."

I know this question wasn't directed towards me, and I haven't even been follwing this whole thread, but I would like to offer another perspective on this specific statement. I think there is a big difference.

One is a partly naked woman, the other is a clothed woman. While her clothing (swimsuit) may seem overly revealing to some, she is still clothed. Sure, both could potentially be a stumbling block, but it does seem there is a big difference.

 2005/7/20 16:04Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia


I heard a great commentary on this subject by the author of the book "For Women Only." Many things were opened to me that explain from Scripture what modern psychology is still trying to figure out.

Anyway, the author talked about the woman's dresscode in a two fold manner.

ONE: men-we have to understand that many woman dress the way they do because they think they look "cute." We need to realize that they need our prayers and witness. So do not judge them as a harlot at first thought, but realize they might not necessarily be trying to intentionally tempt us.

TWO: for the women-they need to grow up (author's language, not mine) and realize that they should do nothing that makes their brother stumble. Men don't think they are "cute," but rather, instinctively see a woman as nude when she is wearing little, or tight-fitting clothing.

She explained how men remember attractive women in a mental Roladex, whether they want to or not. And these images may attack them at any given time during the day. So she said to the women (paraphrasing), 'imagine what a mental minefield this society is for a Christian man.' She then basically asked if the women listening were going to help with the problem or be part of the problem.

Hal Bachman

 2005/7/21 0:52Profile

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