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Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886

 A piercing Word.. Vance Havner

A Piercing Word
By Vance Havner
Many claim that they want revival, but generally we want to have a revival to save our face, when the first thing we must lose is our face. Fallow ground must be broken up, even at the cost of humiliation and embarrassment. God will not rain showers of blessing on fallow ground, for that would mean only more briars and weeds. He will not waste His blessings on ground that has not been prepared, and to prepare the soil of our hearts means that they must be disturbed and broken up. We do not like to be stirred and agitated nowadays in our churches so we preserve a smooth exterior, while underneath are roots of bitterness and hidden sins.


 2019/6/10 20:28Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: A piercing Word.. Vance Havner

I love Brother Vance, he sometimes uses a little humor and sarcasm in his messages, but he does it very gracefully. I just wished he would have left more video sermons behind, but I just continue to watch them over and over. His message called "My Life Testimony" is awesome!


 2019/6/10 20:42Profile

Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886


Hello Mr. BillPro
I will check him that out. I like him too.. He doesnt pull punches and tells it like it is.. Some can see and some cannot.. He can I believe.

Bless u
Sister Frannie


 2019/6/12 21:24Profile

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