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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Fasting

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Joined: 2018/8/16
Posts: 27
So Cal


I recently started looking into fasting for breakthrough. I came across Pastor Shane Idleman's fasting youtube sermons (which I knew is associated with sermonindex). I also contacted his church to follow up and ask some questions about fasting and breakthrough (another brother from his church contacted me today). I also have heard stories of God doing great things for and through people who fast and pray (watched a Francis Chan message about stories of people who fasted and saw God do great things).

I need breakthrough in my own life.

Also, I want to live the early church Christian life. When I had my near death/out of body experience, it was a scary and powerful experience--and after that the Bible spoke very powerfully to me about what's possible. ( I was an atheist beforehand)

Anyway, I never knew how to crucify the flesh, and I always had problems overcoming my flesh, but it seems fasting/prayer is the key to this overcoming life I read in the scriptures.

Does anyone have any experience with fasting as a key to breakthrough? Yourself or someone you know? etc?




 2019/6/5 14:06Profile

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