Save your money on success seminarslet me tell you how for free. Joshua 1:8This book of the law 📖 shall not depart out of thy mouth👄 But thou shalt meditate 🧠 thereinDay ☀️ and night 🌙 That thou May observe 🤔To do👣According to all that is written therein 📖 💥For then💥Thou shalt make thy way prosperous 🌈and then🌈Thou shalt have Good Success.Those who know and follow God’s word and law will be prosperous and successful in that they possess the wisdom to live righteously and to achieve God’s goal for their lives.Make God’s word your guide, for every day successful living 📖
Readyornot,Quoting you:“Those who know and follow God’s word and law will be prosperous and successfulin that they possess the wisdom to live righteously and to achieve God’s goal for their lives.“Make God’s word your guide, for every day successful living 📖”(End of quote)ReadyornotWith respects,I may not be seeing this the way you are seeing this.We are no longer under the law,.. meaning, to look on the printed out law, and try,.. hope to, by that,..But to Live and have The Life of God is in us through The Spirit of God , who has come to make His abode in us,.. to led us by His be filled with the Spirit of God, ....and to be led by The Spirit of God......commanding us through His Spirit .Also,Could you please explain, what you are meaning by “prosperous “ and “successful” ?Are you talking about prosperous and successful in worldly or Spiritual ? ——————— elizabeth
Elizabeth, I think I missed it on this one, I don’t mean prosperous and successful in material goods at all, but rich in Christ. Life in the spirit. I love the scriptures you shared. I guess where I was going with this was getting wisdom from His word, growing spiritually, falling in love with him, allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our lives. I love the verses you shared John 14:21 and John 14:23 my abode, and manifest himself to us. Those are my two favourite scriptures. Blessing thank you for correcting me. We can’t do anything on are own but totally depend on him.
Readyornot, is that Brother or Sister? Thank you for responding ,... l am happy that you were meaning, prosperous and successful in things of The Lord,... and wisdom of Him.Not that He does not provide for us,.. He does,.. but we are not set our heart on that, but to be content and thankful with what He provides,...And as Bro. Frank just mentioned in another post,..we are to,.....“seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”,....———————-elizabeth
I’m your sister in Christ. I guess it hard to know with my nick name. Never thought of that. 😂 LOL