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Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


That's funny, Krispy.

I've been blessed with the opportunity to intern with NASA several times at NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia. My work with NASA brought me to several of the other NASA bases, including Goddard Space Flight Center (near D.C.), Marshall Space Flight Center (in AL), Stennis (in MS), Glenn (in Ohio), Ames (in northern CA) and JPL (in southern CA). It was an excellent experience. In fact, I may have an opportunity for employment following graduation.

A couple of years ago, I was privileged to represent NASA Langley at the Southern Governors Conference (and the Southern Growth Policy Board Meeting) in Puerto Rico. While there, the Governors, Congressmen, various CEOs and other attendees were treated to a dinner and reception at the El Yunque Rain Forest. As we drove on the buses to the Rain Forest, I met several tour guides. They saw my badge (complete with my photo and NASA info) and they asked me to meet with them and their friends at the park.

At the park, the tour guides asked whether or not there is a U.S. Government coverup concerning UFOs and aliens. It seemed like they were actually [i]hoping[/i] that there was a coverup. So I began to tell them about "large, underground tunnels beneath each NASA base where they transport UFOs for research purposes without getting caught by satellite photographs." As I told them, their eyes grew large (and almost frightened) with wonder.

One of them asked, "[i]Are you serious[/i]???" I smiled and said, "No. Not at all."

As they realized I was being a little sarcastic about their conspiracy theory, they began to laugh. I told them that there was no conspiracy that I could see. I also reminded them that NASA is spending a "budget-busting" fortune to look for bacteria on Mars -- with much of the reason being so scientists can claim that they found life on another planet. I told them, "If the government knows that there are aliens visiting us from other galaxies -- then why is NASA spending billions of dollars to search for plankton?"

It opened up an opportunity to share the Lord with these tour guides. I told them that God is a "master planner" with the Universe as his handy work. I began sharing God's historical plan and purpose for humanity with them. I spoke of the fall of man, and the redemptive work of Christ's sacrifice. While I didn't lead anyone in a "sinner's prayer" -- several of them began their pilgrimage with the Lord after the meeting. I still keep in contact with a couple of them, both of whom are now dedicated believers.


 2005/7/22 10:59Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


"If an alien lands on this planet and can understand and speak English, should we witness to him/her/it?" lol

There would be no point in doing so. If your alien is not a descendant of Adam he has no kinsman-redeemer.

Ron Bailey

 2005/7/22 14:03Profile


There would be no point in doing so. If your alien is not a descendant of Adam he has no kinsman-redeemer.

Oooo... the wise man has spoken. Very good answer, Philologos! I mean it, that was right on the mark. Wish I had thought of that.


 2005/7/22 14:24


Okay, i said id stop posting. But this topic is something im STARTING to be more stern on. Or more solid on this.

This [url=]link[/url] will have about 20 hours worth of study on Ezekiel. 1, 2, and 5 are on this topic. All are FREE downloads. If you would like for them to send it to you, they accept donations, but are willing to send it to you for free. I know these guys personally, they are AWESOME. They have alot numerous studies on why Pre-trib is [url=]false[/url]

All in all, they describe SCRIPTURALLY. How the fallen angels have put on a 'cloke' or a cloth of some kinda. Throughout there site, in 'weekly webcast' there are other awesome studies.

You gotta listen to the studies all the way thru. Because most of your questions would be answered.

I don't believe in 'aliens' per-say. But i believe in demons that help aid the coming of the anti-christ.

Love ya...i wont be going back on this forum for a month.

 2005/7/23 22:20

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia


Scripture that disproves life on other planets:

Gen 3:20 "Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living."

According to Chuck Missler, two scientists (both non-Christian I think) studied the UFO phenomenon, and gave the word "demonic" as the scientific conclusion. The reasons being: UFO's are focused on man, always seen or plotted around earth (not traveling through space far away for Earth). Interesting theory by Missler is that the "aliens" may be the spirit leftovers of the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6 (whose fathers were fallen angels, and mothers were of earth).

This would explain legends of old of god worship, titans, gods having children with men (Zues and so forth). This brings out a new light concerning the following Scriptures:

Gen 6:9, "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations."

Dan 2:43, "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men"

Luke 17:26, "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."



Hal Bachman

 2005/7/23 22:47Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Thanks for the information, Scriptures, and links, letsgetbusy.

While I believe that much of UFO claims are bogus, I also believe that some of these claims may be inspired by demonic activity. And even though some of those claims may be totally false, they also serve a wicked purpose. Those false claims take the eyes of many people away from the Lord -- and onto false alternative solutions and hopes.

Dr. William Alnor has also written several very good books on the subject. He was a Calvary Chapel pastor in Pennsylvania for several years, but he now works as a journalism professor at the University I attend. He has written several very good books on the subject of UFOs. In fact, he has spoken at several conventions on the issue.

His website,, contains several resources and articles on the phenomenon.


 2005/7/23 23:38Profile

Joined: 2004/9/28
Posts: 957
Cleveland, Georgia


BTW, in addition to my last thread, I should mention this. When I was about 8 years old, I also saw something that my brother said was probably a "weather balloon." Above my dog's cage, at night, through the screen of my window, I saw a light that I would compare to the size of a pen-light. It was white and completely still, about 10 feet in the air from what I could tell. It moved suddenley, yet smoothly upward and stopped. Then just the same moved over the house. I ran and got my brother to show him what had flown over, and got the typical answer. "It was probably just..."

I was fascinated with UFO's, Loch Ness Monster, and the like as a kid. I believe all still have reasonable explanations. If you are sighting them now, guard your mind. I have heard of one case of a Spirit-filled believer (not even sure about that, though) having the "abduction experience," but she invited it, according to the testimony. I stick with the idea that they are demonic, not from another galaxy.

Hal Bachman

 2005/7/24 0:36Profile

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