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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : I don't know what is going on here!

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Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 I don't know what is going on here!

So a brother in our congregation has been having health and stamina problems and the diagnosis was veins and arteries in the back of his neck were severely clogged near 100 percent. Serious stuff. He went back to the doctor and had a MRI done. The doctor asked him to go to another room and wait so the images could be reviewed. Before he could get to the other room and sit down they called him back. The doctor was baffled and said, "Sir, I don't know what is going on here but your images show no blockage whatsoever. We apologize and are trying to figure out how your original diagnosis occured in the first place." This doctor's visit I am relaying happened after people in the church prayed for the brother after he shared the original diagnosis of severe clogging This is very recent.

David Winter

 2019/5/3 16:10Profile

Joined: 2019/9/11
Posts: 6
Northern California

 Re: I don't know what is going on here!

Praise God 🙌


 2019/9/12 10:08Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Brother David

Praise Jesus! I expect the world will be seeing more of these miracles, as the end nears.


 2019/9/12 11:26Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Hi David-

I am curious if you know how the original diagnosis was made?


 2019/9/12 15:53Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: I don't know what is going on here!

Am curious - at what point did the fellow feel like the problem disappear?


Sandra Miller

 2019/9/13 19:26Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


The brother wasn't at church today. I was going to ask him about his original diagnosis etc. Maybe later.

David Winter

 2019/9/15 13:36Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: The original diagnosis

So just five minutes ago I talked to this brother who had major problems with major blockage in the veins and arteries in his neck. I asked him how the original diagnosis was made.

He said he was having problems in many ways and did not really realize or understand what was happening. So one afternoon around 3 PM he went to the emergency room. He indeed had problems! They began doing tests on him and kept on all through the night as the tests continued because of the seriousness of the situation. He underwent ultrasound testing and MRI imaging that night and they told him he had 100% blockage in a important vein in his neck and that he had had a stroke which was why he was having the problems he was. A few days went by in which he was told to take things very easily. They called him back to do another MRI and told him to go on to Fargo, North Dakota to have a stent placed in his neck so as to begin getting a handle on the problem. He left and was on the way to the ER for just a bit before leaving for Fargo. Halfway there he got a call to come back to the doctor's office. The doctor said take a look at this. The doctor said the MRI we just did shows you have a clean flow of blood in your neck with NO BLOCKAGE. The doctor was somewhat baffled and said he did not understand what was going on here. Yet the images of clear blood flow, just diagnosed as 100% blocked. This brother is beloved in our congregation and the church had put him on their emergency prayer list. He is doing fine today with no stent having to be placed in his neck. He has very few after effects from having a stroke and is doing fine. So the original diagnosis of blocked blood flow in the neck was made by ultrasounds and MRIs. The brother is humble and of sound mind and is not given to sensationalism. What he said happened really happened. I just spoke with him.

David Winter

 2019/9/26 11:05Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Thx for the additional details. Awesome!


 2019/9/26 12:17Profile

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