This thought occurred to me recently.I have been labeled with the stigma of legalism and wrestled with the issue since it came from dear brothers and not mere strangers. Yet, I feel closer to Christ now than ever before, for only by His constant help can I walk in the righteousness of the law of God. It dawned upon me that “the Law was put into effect to lead us to Christ.”That is exactly what it has done for me!I wonder about where “freedom” has led many? It does not appear to me that the “liberty” from the law that many proclaim has led them to the dynamic power of righteousness of conduct and character found only in Christ. It was The Law that made me very aware of the corruption in me and in this world. Through the deceitfulness of sin, and my own inability to battle its deadly influence, The law led me to seek divine help. The law led me in desperation to the only means to overcome its deadly influence - the Law has led me to Jesus.Looking back I thank God for the accountability brought on by the Law. The wrestling with sin and corruption that I experienced led me to desperation for a personal experience with Jesus the deliverer. The grace of Jesus is sweeter to me today because of the bitter struggle with sin caused by the Law. In contrast to this, I have witnessed many who claimed to have found liberty from their struggle stray further and further from the need of a Jesus every hour. Perhaps a little more time with the tutor would have produced better results? The Law is indeed holy, righteous, and good. It did not become death to me; on the contrary - sin taking advantage of the Law is what produced death in me so that through the law sin might become exceedingly sinful. Through this wonderful process - the Law and the struggle it produced in me - led me to Jesus!Thanks be to God for His marvelous ways!
_________________Alan and Dina Martin
Alan and Dina: Absolutely spot on! You have captured the purpose of the law beautifully. I was alive without the law once but when the law came sin revived and I died. Appreciate the post.
I totally agree with you. I was raised as an Idol worshiper. But when I came to Christ, I was of the view that no one raised me with Christian values and hence I behaved bad. I knew I was sinner but I saw my upbringing and past religion to blame. I took every word in the Bible as a law and sincerely tried to keep them. I also believed I can keep them as I failed in the past only because I never heard these words before. But I kept failing even as a Christian. Until one Day, I hit the rock bottom and then Jesus lifted me up and gave me his grace. Now I know that even if I was raised as a Christian, I would still be the same wretched person I am. It is only by his grace I can keep his word. Today if I hear his word, I also ask for his grace. I believe its God's will for every child to first experience Romans 7 life of being a legalist. Only then we will be able to appreciate Romans 8 life of victory in Holy Spirit. If we received victory immediately after accepting Christ, our head would be swollen up in Pride! I agree with Bro Alan, I feel many Christians who confess that they are saved and take pride that they are not under law. But their life is still defeated. They are unable to attend a Church and fellowship with other believers. They have broken marriages and children not raised up as believers etc. All they believe is Jesus has forgiven my sins. I have seen many atheists who live by pure moral values of their own, but they have stronger marriage and well raised up children. If our stand of life is worse than a person under law then we are not under grace. Jesus clearly said that unless our righteousness surpasses that of legalistic Pharisees and Scribes we cannot be his disciple. Which means our new covenant standard of life should be greater than any one living under law. If this is not true then we are only living as lawless being but not under Grace.