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Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


You might want to come to the realization that a fist-fight in a real Church among real Christians has more holiness in it than all the peace, smiles, joy, prayers, sermons, worship of false and ungodly men who belong to cults.

The ungodly have sewer for hearts and a devil for a father; the Christian in his worst may do that which is horrible and carnal, but he is still born of God and God's son/daughter.
God owns the Christian in all his failings and sin.
Satan owns the cultist in all his morality, preaching, witnessing, giving, family friendliness, invitations, potlucks and baptisms.

Satan every day seeks to make the genuine Christian look like he works for the Devil, and the Devil's kids to look like they are God's best.

Don't allow the simplest deception to fool you into giving a cultist praises for his morality or Church uniformity.


 2019/4/21 22:31Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: The very last thin hi hi byg on my mind

I moved from Tallahassee, Fla to Bemidji, MN in Sept of 2014. That first winter went by and when spring came around a church friend I had met took me with him as he went to various rummage sales. At one house way out in the country a lady comes out and during the conversation asks me why I had on a Fla shirt. I said I was from Fla and she asked where. I said Tallahassee and her jaw dropped because she said she had just moved back to Bemidji after living in Tallahassee for several years. So my jaw dropped. Upon closer inquiry we determined that her and her husband lived approximately a mile and a half from me while I lived in Tallahasse for seven years. And I moved 1,534 miles and we met each other in Minnesota after living a mile and a half from each other in Fla for seven years! It's entirely remarkable. The very last thing on my mind was for this to sort of be dumped in my lap. The husband grew up not far from where I grew up in Fla.

I didn't see her again for over a year. So one day I'm walking across the parking lot of Hobby Lobby and out of nowhere the lady pops into my mind and when I walk into the store I bumped right into her after not being in contact for over a year.

We met together once after that in a popular pastry shop. Her husband was out of the country in Ireland I think it was on a teaching mission for the JWs. He came back and next time was with her and friends as we met just to talk about Fla and the like and a small friendship developed and has grown a bit and just recently we have begun to meet and discuss scripture. I haven't really thought about the Witnesses in years except when they knocked on the door oor ocassionally. If it wasn't for the providence of living close to each other in Fla and then meeting here I might not even be interested in this set of circumstances that was the last thing I ever expected.

I'm thinking though how else can one witness to them withoug talking to them? I realize a trip to a Kingdom Hall isn't for everyone but I wasn't endorsing their organization. It didn't shake me. If some have a check against associating with them in any way does that mean everyone has to have the same check? I've had a few knee jerk reactions to being friends with them. It wouldn't be good for me to
around them I've heard. And they need to be run out of the yard when they come around. A few have spouted out pre-programmed answers minus any real thought that certain situations may be different from one person to the next. Some are praying for them.

It has got me wondering and pondering again how the church should minister to these groups. Just being the church and living the life of Christ is the best way. And also under the leading of the Spirit Yet I don't believe we should have the attitude of it's all a waste of time and I wouldn't give them the time of day anyway.

Thank you and blessings.

David Winter

 2019/4/22 4:45Profile

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