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Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Don't know how to title this except well, I did it

I have a Jehovah Witness acquantance who has recently dropped by my place a couple of times and we have discussed scripture for a couple of hours each time. It's been challenging but a little friendship has developed. I told him that perhaps one day I may visit the Kingdom Hall where they meet. This was after I think I may have invited him to perhaps visit with me one day at my church and meet some of the people I fellowship with.

He had mentioned that on April 19 they were going to have a memorial service honoring the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. He said JWs all over the world do so on April 19
Somewhat out of theological curiosity I decided to go last night to this memorial. It so happens that when I leave my driveway I can drive to their Kingdom Hall in about 50 seconds. It's about 6/10 of a mile away. So my driving there and back home involved less than two minutes of driving.

Everyone was very friendly and the place was packed with attendees. My friend was the main speaker so I heard his take on the atonement which I guess represented their official doctrine as far as possible. The only 144,000 will make it to heaven was a central point in his talk. I love the word and theology and have many emotions this morning. I guess I am stunned a bit and also grieved on the inside. I need more time to think about and properly digest things. Things happened regarding the bread and wine (I didn't partake) of which I have never seen and did not think I would ever see. I'll just have to spend more time getting used to it.

So I went. Maybe it's not for everybody. I understand that. My beliefs are the same as before I went. Has anyone here ever been involved in a active ministry to these groups?

David Winter

 2019/4/20 11:56Profile

Joined: 2008/9/14
Posts: 980
Pineville, LA

 Re: Don't know how to title this except well, I did it

Be very careful, brother. I have dealt with JWs on several occasions. They don't have a Holy Spirit that is able to convict, so they largely gain converts by being nice, inviting people to Kingdom Halls, and filling a "need" of companionship in the lives of others. Then, once they have you into their midst, they rely heavily on that relationship to keep you involved.

I most certainly am not saying that you have done anything wrong. I am glad that you were able to experience it. My only advice to you is that you keep the Gospel at the front and center of the issues. They are well trained in addressing your objections. Stick to the only thing that can open their eyes--the Gospel.

 2019/4/20 22:54Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Yes I would recommend caution also. Jehovah Witnesses started during the great awakening, a time of revival in America. It started with sincere biblical christians seeking greater reality then their current denominations afforded them. Disullisionment can lead us down paths that are wrong in the end.

The cults offer answers for all things and also great unity and a sense of common purpose, which is sorely lacking in some other evangelical denominations. JW's are very serious and meticilus in all they do and that can bring a sense of appeal to the flesh where the outward looks perfect. Mormonism also appeals to this also.

Sadly it makes many evangelical churches look sloppy and haphazard how we handle everything.

Also a meeting place of a cult like JW's has many demons and spiritual forces at work in their meetings and with their people., I would caution sitting in many meetings just for that fact. The way to win them would be to build friendships outside the JW hall.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/4/21 7:04Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri


It started with sincere biblical christians seeking greater reality then their current denominations afforded them. Disullisionment can lead us down paths that are wrong in the end.

I would strongly second this statement. I am not saying that you are not truly hungry for God, but hunger for more of God has a counterfeit that is called disillustionment and dissatisfaction. For the disillusioned, the deception is that they think they are the hungry ones. But it always has accompanying it a strong criticism of the people with which it is dissatisfied. I have seen churches split and a group of disillusioned people splinter off and start their own work. This never goes well. The enemy is in it and he remains in it.

JW are not Christians. They have a belief system that is built around a perversion of the Bible and so their trappings look very much like what we might see in a Christian church, but they deny openly the eternal preexistence and diety of Christ.


 2019/4/21 7:53Profile


Back in 1928 B. H. Shadduck, an old-time Methodist holiness preacher, published the first Christian book to refute the claims of the Jehovah's Witnesses which actually used their own material as evidence:

You can see altered dates of failed prophecies in their writings, etc.

 2019/4/21 8:04

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


Very good advice by Brother Greg. I also appreciate the original poster for judging JW unbiased. It is hard to see people like this, even most Christians I have met are not unbiased.


 2019/4/21 9:47Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 1025
Campbell River, B.C.

 Re: Don't know how to title this except well, I did it

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house..." 1 John 1:10

Brother, I have a strong check in my spirit and I want to warn you to stay away from these people.

Nigel Holland

 2019/4/21 16:20Profile

Joined: 2005/6/6
Posts: 1025
Campbell River, B.C.


Also remember this is a spiritual battle, just having the right theology alone is like bringing a butter knife to a gun duel.

I remember a JW lady stopping me on the street (literally blocking my path) and offering me a watchtower or Awake magazine. I didn't argue doctrine with her, I asked her "Do you have love, peace and joy?" Her jaw, quite literally, dropped. She had no answer. I then asked her "Do you know your sins are forgiven?" Again, she was flabbergasted. She said "Well, I was baptized in the Kingdom Hall..." and I told her that is not forgiveness of sins. Haven't seen her since...

Nigel Holland

 2019/4/21 18:03Profile

Joined: 2010/12/7
Posts: 1527
In Christ

 Re: Don't know how to title this except well, I did it

Brother David, you had mentioned: “only 144,000 will make it to heaven was a central point in his talk.”

These verses were on my heart immediately:

“And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed...

After these things I looked, and behold, *a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations*, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes...

Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?”

And I said to him, “Sir, you know.”

So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 7:4,9,13-14


May the light of the true gospel of the Kingdom brightly shine through you into your friend’s life! 🙏🏻

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2019/4/21 20:47Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: dont be fooled by externals

Cults have the image of unity, but it's not unity it uniformity. If you think for yourself you are out.
If you accept unapproved evidence contrary to the elders you are out. If you reproach the leaders for doctrinal errors you are out.

Uniformity is the key, not unity. Unity under the guise of 'let's play nice' with each other gives the uninformed Christian they have something over evangelicals.

Dont be fooled.

The worst Christian in the worst church in the worst state of heart in the worst situation is infinitely better off than a cultist sitting in peace and happiness among the damned.

A cultist is a cultist is a cultist. If you attend one of their orderly services, hear the bible quoted and prayers go up...again the ignorant is satisfied.
Quoting a bible, twisting the interpretation, presenting a Jesus not found in scripture but created after the leaders vain heart, singing because thats what we do, praying because that's the work God commands, witnessing because in the end God will see I am good, I am working, I am nice, I am submissive to authority, I am in keeping with Church polity...I am SAVED.

This is not salvation by grace, this is salvation by the authority of men, propagating a false Christ and a false salvation. Their salvation is not worth the spit.

What does it matter if Jesus is not God? What does it matter that Jesus is brother to Satan (God forbid, I am quoting the Mormons)? What does it matter that I am saved by works? What does it matter there is no hell? What does it matter the bible needs extra books written by modern apostles who have declared all other Churches false?

For the cultist none of these things matter. They cannot be saved by grace because their doctrines (which they must follow to the letter) forbids salvation by grace, but by keeping the commandments of God and being a good JW or Mormon.
The Mormon missionaries that came to my door just 4 weeks ago had NO IDEA about salvation by grace or righteousness by faith. Period. They call righteousness by faith "works that are done in a righteous manner which Jesus approves of and will be added to all other good works at judgment day".
Their repentance is a moral conditioning, not a new heart.

What is the danger of cults like this?
They are look a-likes, they are fakes, deceivers, liars, wicked men dressed in sheep's clothing...and those young Mormon missionaries all pimply and young and smiling are emissaries of hell.

But to look at the externals, look at the smiles, look at the friendliness, look at the invitations and look at their moral lives...short of a moral life a prostitute can offer the same externals.
But this is babylon, this is harlot churches, this is what it looks like when you imitate the true Church but your worship is all about using God as a means to an end...that end is your own happiness, family blessing, eternal rewards and good reputation among your peers.

True Christianity was founded upon none of this and it is not founded upon it now.


 2019/4/21 22:20Profile

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