As we daily hear the news, it can be overwhelming.Basilea Schlink shared with us…When I heard the news… I was over-whelmed with grief. But then I experienced something remarkable. In my heart Jesus seemed to be telling me over and over again one thing that would bring Him the greatest comfort: “Love Me! Oh, love Me!”And then it was as if His deep grief were submerged in love. And I could sense how it comforted Him when I told Him over and over again how much I loved Him and when I proclaimed who He really is, and then sang songs of love for Jesus.Oh, may Jesus’ sufferings set us on fire to love Him as never before. We know what it is like on a human level when someone we love is struck by tragedy. Our love wells up and we are filled with compassion and sympathy. God wants such love to well up in our hearts now.Although it’s terrible that Satan is advancing and God doesn’t seem to intervene; although it’s distressing that God doesn’t give a warning sign or demonstrate His power, nevertheless something wonderful is happening. The Lord is doing a mighty work. He raises up souls who only want to bring Him comfort and joy.When Jesus is insulted and attacked, this group will suddenly become visible as they rally to His defense and form a protective wall around Him. A wall of prayer and praise! And many of these faithful ones will make up God’s holy remnant after the divine judgment that will follow such blasphemies. This band of Jesus’ faithful ones suffer with Him. At the same time they are filled with a wonderful assurance of victory.NO GREATER LOVE – THE PASSION STORY RETOLD IN PICTURE, WORD AND SONG… with M. BASILEA SCHLINKNothing can bring us closer to Jesus than thinking of His sufferings for us – the greatest expression of His love. This is how a prayer garden came to be made by the Sisters of Mary, depicting the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.Nestled against the mountains of the picturesque Arizona Desert, it has become a sanctuary of peace and blessing for many.Watch here: No Greater Love now:Where Can We Find Jesus Little Lenten Treasure to ShareClick,if you like to get a copy from the store:
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
Amen brother Greg. It is wonderful. He ever lives to make intercession for us. I know I speak for others when I say I appreciate what you do and have helped to create here. And through all of your trials you still want to carry on. And I enjoy your Facebook posts.
_________________David Keel