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Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148

 A Hard saying,...

There are churches, ...many !,.. there are denominations, .. many !
But what do I see ?
I see a people of all denominations,.. a people that want religion,but do not want to die,.. that refuses to die.
(to the flesh,.. self)
That want a religion of their own making,.. but NOT Gods.
Something to fill that void that we have,...
Are we deceiving ourselves?.. are we being deceived?

Is a true death, the only ‘Way’ to true Life?

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Just early morning thoughts.... should I have shared them?
How serious is this?

This is a hard saying.!
I believe it to be truth.

 2019/4/17 9:58Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148

 Re: A Hard saying,...

A Song for us:


 2019/4/17 10:34Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


*continuing thoughts—-
I once heard Art Katz say, “when we are called to come, we are called to,
come and die”

But how are we called,.. but by His Grace,... His Devine effluence upon our hearts to go in the ‘Way’ of Life.
I do not believe that we have the strength against the flesh to die, to self,.. the flesh.
We need The Lord’ supernatural help, from Grace to Grace,... it is the enabling power of God.
So.... Grace, more Grace O’Lord.

I also remember Art saying that he believed that Grace was “God,Himself “

It is His Devine effluence upon our hearts (Grace) to die, and to have His will, .. His Life, lived out in us.

Is our every obedience to Him, ... His leading by His Spirit (Grace), a death to our way,which is death,.. unto His Way, which is Life?

........Resurrection ,...’The resurrected Lord , in us

 2019/4/19 8:07Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


Some sobering thoughts, especially as we enter this weekend of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, these are matters to meditate on and pray about.

There were those who followed after seeing the miracles and hearing the good moral teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. There were those who followed after the feeding of five thousand and thought that Jesus would make a great king; but when Jesus spoke about the Cross for Himself and for them and how they must follow Him, well that was a "hard saying."

I think Art Katz is right when he says that flesh cannot die to self. It is a physical impossibility to crucify yourself. We reckon on the fact that God placed us in Christ on the Cross.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2019/4/19 9:02Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


Bro. Ron,
I, so appreciate your response and communing on this subject.
To me, it seems to be really a key subject....because how can there be a Life, except there be a death ?

*Your quote:
“It is a physical impossibility to crucify yourself.”

I believe that is ever so true !

It was also impossible for me to even forgive at one time,... I had to recognize,and come to the realization that God’ Word was right, and I was wrong, ..then I cried out to Him to help me to forgive and to fill my heart w/ love for that person,..(to ‘save’ me from myself)
and He did.,... He is a Faithful and a good Father.

*But then you said,
“We reckon on the fact that God placed us in Christ on the Cross.”

With much respect and care, I ask this,
Does The Word teach that He places us on the cross,.. or that we must choose the cross,.. death?


 2019/4/19 22:18Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA


With much respect and care, I ask this,
Does The Word teach that He places us on the cross,.. or that we must choose the cross,.. death?

Sister Elizabeth,

I believe that Scripture teaches both. As I was thinking on death to self my thoughts went to Romans 6 and Paul's exhortation to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive unto God. I know that when we consecrate ourselves to Jesus God counts it as all accomplished and we can reckon on it but I also know that there is no fooling here; we may count it done but step by step we must go through it and it must be written on the record of our hearts and lives.

In Christ,

Ron Halverson

 2019/4/20 0:23Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


Ron, I appreciate you,and your precipitating, thank you.

Yes, it is a step by step,.. a walked out relationship w/ The Lord, as He leads/guides.....

* Resurrection Day:
Today, many are celebrating Resurrection Day,... It brings to my thoughts on our death,(baptism),... but we don’t stay dead, ..we resurrect to a new Way,a new Life,... no longer to live our life(old , flesh way.
Jesus is to Resurrect in us , to Live His Life in / through us,... ( No longer our own,... submission to Him,...,.. His rule,Way
in us.

* the kingdom of God is the Resurrection of The Lord in us.

His Grace to / upon us is giving His direction,and the enabling power to carry out His will.
... walking in The Spirit.... He gives us Resurrection Life,... His Life.

(I could give Scripture to this , .. maybe later.

Blessed Resurrection Day,


 2019/4/21 9:57Profile

Joined: 2011/8/14
Posts: 1148


“A Letter From Smiths Wigglesworth 001”*

There is some good and encouraging things to glean from this letter that Smiths Wigglesworth wrote to a man, concerning our dying to our self.

I do hope it encourages you.


You may have to move to the beginning of this
U Tube letter,.. it seems be advanced-

 2019/4/25 20:32Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: A Hard saying,...

Elizabeth: I don't know if this is a hard saying or simply the truth of following Christ. There can be no rebirth without death. There can be no glory without participating in His death. I cannot be self willed and have His will come to pass in my life. (His will being to conform me to His image so that I walk in His glory and have His life living through me.) Just last night I was studying our role in participating in His suffering. It is to participate in His death. If I do that, I will share in His glory.

I appreciate the post.


 2019/4/26 8:29Profile

Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953


While it is true that there is no resurrection without our death. It is also true that when we die we will also be raised with Him! It is not our responsibility to raise ourself. God will raise us up in Christlikeness. Our job is to just die to flesh whenever we see the pull of flesh. Our part is easy, God's part is difficult.


 2019/4/26 8:52Profile

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