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Discussion Forum : General Topics : Are These Christian Bloggers Tearing Down the Body of Christ? by Greg Gordon

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 Re: lawsuits against bloggers

Todd, I agree but evidently James MacDonald and the HBC elders saw fit to bring a lawsuit against some of those annoying bloggers and their spouses in an attempt to scare them off. Didn’t work!! HBC found out it would mean they would have to prove their case and that meant discovery which was the last thing HBC wanted. Christianity Today was kind enough to allow MacDonald space to write about “ why it is necessary to sometimes sue, “ in an attempt to show why he was justified in doing so. I refer you to that recent article. Interesting though no such space has been allowed to those who were sued by MacDonald and the elders. In the meantime MacDonald, his sons and most of the elders have resigned but recently met to hammer out everyone’s golden parachute. The question posed is “ do some Bloggers divide the Body of Christ.” Sure!! But many stand for truth, love Christ and are in despair over it’s condition and calling the church out. To place a limit on what can be expressed or who can express it is often a sign the powerful are afraid, at least that has been my experience. My remarks are not about Greg, who by the way is a blogger! But about addressing his original question. My question would be who should not be allowed to Blog about the Church?

 2019/4/16 12:29

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I read some of the relies at wartburg press and more than a few were saying things about and painting pictures of Greg that simply aren't true and are far from Greg's heart in my opinion. They are just going by what someone else wrote which I suppose is one of the main dangers Greg was trying to address.


I believe the replies and the post itself show that there is something amiss in the current evangelical scene towards how we deal with others in the body of Christ, namely those in leadership that fall or that have something we are critical of and are not sure to deal with it practically hence usually negativism and crticism of unfounded facts etc. We are usually simply a product of our surroundings so the natural way of Christian news outlets reporting accusations against spiritual leaders seems normal and even good.

I could easily make a list of blogger websites that I personally believe cross the line but I would much rather just this article be one of many I believe that will be written to help turn the tide back towards a biblical balance in respect for leaders, humility towards ourselves when moral failures are witnessed, or especially accusatory blogs about choices of leaders that we would not choose, etc.

I hope not just this blogger but many others will wrestle with these things. Perhaps we need to email some of them with this article and others just to have them even read it. I am not calling for the shutting down of all christian bloggers (that is an absurd idea) nor am I calling for a complete stop to discernment blogging. What I am calling for is a biblical re-evaluation of what is happening and to see some guidelines put in place that are biblical.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/4/16 13:12Profile

Joined: 2005/10/20
Posts: 29
So Cali-

 Re: Christian Bloggers

The first question that you might consider is are they "Christian Bloggers, or Bloggers who call themselves "Christian"
The Word has much to say about such activity, gossip, talebearer, false teachers, etc. Combined with the teachings of Jesus, discernment is easy for a Spirit Filled believer.
Do we reflect the love of Christ or are we acting like the enemy of our souls?
If we reflect the love of Christ, we find ourselves under the wings of God.
Far from the darkness.


 2019/4/16 20:52Profile

 Re: bloggers

Greg, Is it fair to say that you had specific Bloggers in mind that you feel were not biblically discerning when you wrote your Article? Bloggers that were/are dividing the Body of Christ? I feel it is time to “cut to the chase” and identify them and what specific toxic, divisive, non- biblical positions they are endorsing that further divides an already divided church. I feel the Body of believers needs to know so we can objectively evaluate. If nothing else it will begin to give us an idea of your suggested guidelines. For starters could you give me your general assessment of the,,, and maybe Divisive?, untruthful? This is obviously something you find critical or you would not have written an Article about it and encouraged others to share your Article on social media.

 2019/4/17 7:58

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