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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Beyond Messianic Judaism by Art Katz

Beyond Messianic Judaism by Art Katz

Topic: Messianic Judaism
Description: Spoken at a Messianic congregation, Art presents a view of the faith that eclipses what is labeled “Messianic,” namely, an apostolic faith. It is only in this faith, reality, power, credibility and witness that we can successfully reach the Jew in the Last Days.

 2019/3/30 6:25Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282

 Re: Beyond Messianic Judaism by Art Katz

This message is absolutely necessary to hear and heed if you have been pulled into, become enamored with and even gone back under the law thinking that Judaism is more appealing than being a born again believer in Jesus Christ.

We have learned much from our Jewish roots and Hebraic knowledge in these last days but many Christians have been deceived into trying to keep the Law and condemning those who do not. It is a dangerous sidetrack.

Like the foolish Galatians I was also once drawn into the Messianic Judaism movement and this very message by Art Katz who was a Jew saved by Jesus Christ, squarely nailed the dangers of the movement on the head. I listened and repented.

I pray those who need to hear this message will repent and continue to preach the good news to Jew and Gentile alike.



 2019/3/30 10:22Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532


Not falling into Messianic Judaism is just the negative face of what Katz is teaching here. Art points out that the Judaism that the Jews, and Christians, need is the true Judaism as displayed by the Apostles as displayed in Acts and throughout the New Testament. There is a promise of weight, depth and value within Jewish traditions but the true weightiness we need and Heaven given purpose can only come from on High.

 2019/3/30 18:52Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282


Point well taken.
True apostilicity was always at the heart of Art's messages.


 2019/3/30 23:28Profile

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