A foretelling of events that can be judged by the body as true or not. In a true sense any time we share our faith it is prophetic ,but that is not the Spirit bypassing our mind and giving one a message of things only God can know. Context is everything.Women can prey and share testimony to the faith in the assembly but never take authority over men in the church. We all know this as christians.......
Marvin,A lot of the prosperity Gospel stuff plays out in such a way that whenever what you are praying for or, as they say, "believing for" doesn't pan out, you have only 1 place to look as the source of failure, yourself.WOF teaches that healing--financial, medical, marital, etc--was all purchased on the cross by Jesus and that we have 0 excuse for not having great finances, great health, great marriages, successful jobs, etc. They never leave room for trouble, because they negate it by saying you can believe it away. The assumption is that the devil sends you trouble and you have to believe it away. Joyce here is admiring that THAT idea is crossing the line.Let us hope this is a sign that she is moving toward orthodoxy.
Sorry Havok: I hadn't seen your reply till now. I certainly agree, I do pray she is aligning herself towards scripture more and more.
Somewhere in the comments here someone said something to the effect that John MacArthur should repent because he “sure ain’t starving”. Far it be it from me to defend anyone with a large ministry, but as believers should we really be judging other believers by how we perceive them to be, or by the success they may or may not have? I looked it up and MacArthur has an annual salary of $160K/year between the church he pastors and the Bible college he founded. That is peanuts compared to the televangelists. He is worth considerably more because of the royalties on the over 150 books he has published. Any author who writes 150 books AND sells them successfully is going to be worth a large sum. Why do we judge other Christians who are financially successful? Let me put it another way, why do we judge Christians who are MORE financially successful than we are? One of the greatest struggles every Christian faces is pride, and I dare say that we often find more sinful pride in being poor than others do in being wealthy.In regards to the topic (Joyce Meyers), I praise God that she has seemingly "seen the light" about at least part of the many falsities she has promoted over the years. She certainly has a long way to go, but my prayer is that God is dealing with her, and that this is just the beginning. We should all be praying for her.
The point regarding MacArthur is that it’s not only the televangelists who are rolling in the dough. More “conservative” ministers who are on TV and have radio ministers and large churches are very well to do. I could care less what ministers make but the implication was that the prosperity teachers were the ones making all the cash.
I understand. I dont consider $160k salary to be "rolling in the dough". It is on the high end of middle class in America. But your point is taken. In any other profession (I am not calling the ministry a profession, just making a point) someone with his high level of education, and success of his efforts, that would be considered on the low end for a yearly salary.