Is there classical music a follower of Christ have to get rid of? I will go trough my classical cd collection...and could use some advice....
brother,That is a great question I am sure others will chime in. Personally my opinion is more older classical musical is made by many christian composers and of course some who were not christian. Thus most of the older classical music is of Christian nature, ie the composer wrote the music to speak of God's greatness etc. So it is hard to find older classical music that is bad, but I am, sure there is some. Newer classical music composers definitely need to be scrutinized as there are some very strange sounds they compose and I would not have peace to have many of them played in my own home. But the renditions of older classical are great in my mind.It is proven that classical music calms nerves and brings peace, where rock music and other types of louder chaotic music bring tension and stress and worse things spiritually I am sure.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
HelloI love Classical music. I have just recently started listening to Christian Harp music on utube. I got a teaching from Perry Stone on warfare and this CD came with it. Perry stated that the angels love harp music. David played a harp for Saul and the word says in Isa 61 that the garment of praise breaks the spirit of heaviness.I love Bach and Mozart kathleen Battle..and Beethoven. To be safe you can utube christian classical music.. There are many beautiful concerts that are Christian.. But I agree the older the better..There are some good new Classical song writers. If the music gives you peace I would say listen but if the new sound makes u nervous than I would say its New agey.. I am a worshipper and always have praise music on.. Just some suggestions of a lover of classical music and soothing music..Bless uSister Frannie