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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill | Mack Tomlinson (Revised and Expanded)


It is wonderful to announce there is a new revised edition of the Leonard Ravenhill biography by Mack Tomlinson.

Watch a video talking about it here:

Purchase the volume here:

from the Granted Ministries website:


Though at first this book appears overwhelming (over six hundred pages), it is easy and very beneficial to read. Readers have been deeply affected by this book, especially changing the way they view prayer and its impact on their life. The author does an exceptional job of setting forth those things which made Ravenhill so well-loved and respected as a man of God. Chief among these was his life of prayer, his dependency on the Lord, and his zeal for the truth of God. But rather than merely telling us about these realities in the life of Leonard Ravenhill, we are continually impressed with our own need to imitate Ravenhill on these points. Avoiding the pitfalls of spiritual hero-worship, the result is the most powerful and eloquent sort of preaching, a holy, pure, and zealous life. Moreover, this book is not merely a telling of things he did or what happened around him, but a vivid and stirring account of his character and how he became who he was, giving God all the glory.

Leonard Ravenhill was a man who was centered on prayer. His wife once told a close friend that Leonard regularly spent eight hours a day in prayer. This inward passion for God caused an outward cry for truth and holiness. He preached with a passion for revival all over the world, but especially in the United States, where he was especially burdened about what appeared to him to be a generally lukewarm "church". He longed to see a mighty move of God in his day, and this passion came out in his preaching.

Ravenhill had a great impact on countless men, including Granted Ministries favorites like Paul Washer, Charles Leiter, and Mack Tomlinson. He was not the greatest theologian ever, nor even the greatest preacher, but he had a passion grounded in the reality of his remarkable prayer life. Many who cannot now meet him will still be impacted through his biography, which will stir up a desire to make prayer and personal holiness central features in their lives.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/2/23 20:46Profile

Joined: 2012/9/25
Posts: 886

 Re: In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill | Mack Tomlinson (Revised and

Brother Greg
This is wonderful. I Love Leonard Ravenhill. I also love Steve Hill who was mentored by Ravenhill.. He said Leonard Ravenhill had Steve make him a sign on his ceiling over his armchair.. Everytime Leonard Ravenhill looked up he saw. the words. Eternity focus..
If we all could just remember we will have trials and persecutions here but JESUS paid it all and we will have an eternity with Him.. Everything we do everything we say GOD sees and hears.. May we all have an Eternity focus..
Bless you
in Christ


 2019/2/24 14:26Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I have been reviewing a copy of this new update and am amazed at all the new editions it feels like a completely new book! Many new pictures added and content. It really makes the biography come to life and some of the quote challenges are more clear, reading this biography is reading a sermon, it will change you if you will let it.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/2/25 18:34Profile

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