I follow Him Who left His Father’s throne,Who sought no earthly treasures as His own,Who bore His cross for love’s dear sake alone I follow Him! I follow Him!I follow Him Who mounted yonder hill,Who for my sins did all His life blood spill.To cleanse my heart and to renew my will – I follow Him! I follow Him!I follow Him Who from the grave aroseAnd then didst make a footstool of His foes;For victory is full where ‘ere He goes – I follow Him! I follow Him!I follow Him Who sent the Heavenly Flame,The Holy Ghost, to those who praise His name,To show the world that Jesus is the same – I follow Him! I follow Him!I follow Him! Beside Him there is noneWho shines above our ever glorious Sun,For no one shines like Jesus, no not one – I follow Him! I follow Him!I follow Him Who hidden from my eyesShall soon appear to lead me through the skiesThen shall I shout when all the saints arise! I follow Him! I follow Him! Harold J. Brokke
IT IS FINISHED Christ bore the curse to Calvary, the fullness of the fall.O tragic death, if Jesus bore a little, but not all.If there are citadels of sin where Christ set not His claim,Let angel’s wear confusion and God be robed in shame!If with the heart renewed by Christ perversity must dwell.Then what a caustic compromise has heaven made with hell!No! God erected Calvary, all love in its design.It gladdens His eternal heart because it purges mine! Cast off the dark delusion, the bondage of the lie that says toThose involved in sin, “Thou shalt not surely die.”Put on, O Soul, the Truth of God; Sin owns no part in thee.Thy freedom from the “all of sin” is all in Calvary! Harold J. Brokke