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Joined: 2018/9/6
Posts: 279

 Strive to Enter His Rest

by Daniel Yordy

God is filled with contradictions. Modern Christianity has erased most of those contradictions with a simple understanding that salvation is, "I have a ticket (I asked Jesus into my heart), and when I die, that ticket lets me go to heaven instead of hell. Meanwhile, while I'm here, I try not to sin, but I will never succeed because I will always sin, even though I shouldn't. I also try to get a few people saved and I make sure I pay my tithes." To be honest, the complexity of God and the New Covenant has been reduced to this simple thought and I keep bringing it up because I am surrounded with this thinking every day.

God says "Work at resting." One group gets the work side, another group gets the rest side, yet another group short circuits itself on this incredible contradiction with a really bizarre interpretation (the group I used to be in). The closer you walk with Jesus, the less sense God makes -- AND YET - suddenly, these incredible contradictions make perfect sense and you see as He sees.

The New Testament is extremely complicated and contradictory. Most people simply let someone else tell them what it says and what it means by what it says. Then, when you throw in the Old Testament, you really have a mess. The Old Testament, apart from the seeing of Christ in you, is death. I have read, studied, written out, been taught countless hours, the Bible, Old Testament and New, all of my life. I know what it says, I know the many ways it is interpreted. I have been taught profound truths and received deep revelations from the Holy Spirit. I have studied and taught Church History.

Among those individuals through Church History who did not accept what they were told by others, but who sought to understand God through His word for themselves, there is a very high percentage of suicide and insanity cases. God doesn't make sense, and anyone who tells you they have the basic premises of the Bible figured out, knows very little about God or the Bible.

And beyond that, quite a bit of modern evangelical Christianity doesn't even come from the Bible, or comes out of a continual deliberate removal of words and phrases from the text that changes the meaning of what it says completely. These "reduced" statements, prefaced by "The Bible says," become the "Christianity" that so many of our precious brethren hold so certainly in their minds.

Jesus said, over and over, that He spoke in such a way as to hide the truth; He said that His kingdom would be filled with lies and that He would do nothing to remove them.

Why am I saying all this? Simply because you will never know Jesus if you try to figure it out from the Bible or if you weigh every verse equally with every other. Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures, thinking that in them you have eternal life, but they speak of Me, and you will not come to Me that you might have life." At the same time, you will never know Jesus if you allow someone else to define for you what that means.

The cross has already reconciled all men to God. But it is the life of Jesus inside of us that saves us.

Here is the gospel.

"You in Me and I in You"

Salvation is NOT a doctrine or a ticket or a destination. Those who think that "going to heaven" is salvation will be savagely disappointed and confused. A location called heaven will save no one. Salvation is the living person of Jesus living His life in the living person of me right here in this world.

Living 'according to the flesh' is imagining that I have a life and a "nature" other than Jesus. The moment I think that I am one thing and Jesus is another, I fall from union with Him, I am now walking in my own ability to "make it" ('with God's help' is thrown in as a token nod to the gospel), and I am condemned to live in this hopeless quandary of not doing something I cannot not do. I cannot stop sinning, but I must try very hard to stop sinning. I am bad, and I must "repent." But I can never come to the end of repentance. I must weep and weep before the cross. I must "die" but I never really will. What a religious hell! Did you know that this is why God left the temple of Solomon - they were weeping and weeping before the "dead one" (Tammuz - T - the cross).

May I introduce you to Jesus.

The doorway to this religious hell is this: "Seek God's will and not your own."

The doorway out is Galatians 2:20. "I am already crucified with Christ. But I live, only it's not me living, it's Jesus living in me, in my flesh." (My paraphrase.)

The gospel is Romans 8:28-30. The gospel is found in 2 Corinthians 2-7, and Ephesians, Colosians, Romans 8, etc., with a wonderful perspective added by John. Everything else in the Bible must be seen out of - Christ is our life. Think of that. Jesus is my life. MY life is Jesus. I have no other life. The cross says that I have no other life. I do not weep before the cross; I live because of the cross. And you lying spirits that speak through my brethren that try to argue that there is a life in here that is not Jesus and that I must bend that life to the will of Jesus, all these lying spirits are trying to do is drive a wedge between my Savior and myself.

As He is right now, so I am in this world.

I exult boastfully in the victory of Jesus inside of me.

I walk boldly into the Holiest of all and rejoice in the presence of God.

More than that, I live in the Holiest of all, I am the very throne of God, my flesh is His temple. My dying body is filled with all the fullness of God. And all that I am and all that I do flows out of the Holiest of all.

The thing that is the 'flesh' that cannot please God is this business of seeing yourself separate from Jesus, This business of looking at yourself, at your heart and closing your eyes to the glorious risen Christ who lives there and mucking around, seeing sin inside a life that is already made free from sin by the blood and cross of Jesus. This whole way of thinking is the carnal mind.

When you look at yourself, you can see sin, or you can see Jesus, but you cannot see both.

And here is how we strive to enter into His rest.

The other day, I was again worried about "making it." The need to press through, to overcome, to rid my life of all shackles and bondages had once again turned my mind away from Christ living His life in me, in the messiness of my humanity. Immediately Jesus was far away and I was on my own with the heavy, heavy responsibility of crying out to God in order to "gain" the victory.

You can see all the unbelief in that line of thinking, unbelief bordering on blasphemy. But that is what we hear from so many directions.

I will not live separate from Jesus in any part of my thoughts. If it's up to me to subdue my flesh, or even to get Jesus to subdue my flesh, I am lost. (Jesus will not do something that He has already done, He will not reinforce my rejection of Him.)

And so I was searching for the word that defines the gospel. "Receive" came to mind, but I knew immediately that "Receive what God has for you" is simply passive unbelief. You will never receive what you already have. I cried out to God for years that He would fill my heart with His love. At what point, in those years of passionate unbelief would I ever believe that He had already done so regardless of what my eyes saw or my feelings felt?

Then the word the Lord gave me was REST. And then I understood that REST is an active, almost violent position. And then, extraordinarily God made a bit of sense to me, I could see by the Spirit what He meant.

All the suction of the world, false Christianity, the carnal mind, demon spirits, even 'the Bible says,' comes to separate me from Jesus in my own mind, so that I see He as One and me as another, with the obligation now upon me of bending myself to Him.

And so, on a regular basis, I must grab myself by the shirt collar, and I must wrestle my own mind back into a place of certainty that Jesus is my life, I have no other life. Me, all that I am, in all of my sin and flesh and humanity, He carries utterly inside of Himself. And all that He is, He is right now living inside of me in all the messiness of my human person. There is nothing inside of me that is not Jesus.

Those who would disagree, openly defy the cross.

And more than that, everything I need to deliver me into full victory in all the fulfillment of the New Covenant in this age and on this earth, He has already perfected concerning me.

Yes, there is a labor that I engage in while in the midst of His rest, but that is a labor of agreement with the One who is already doing all things perfectly.

I do not walk by what my eyes see or by what my feelings feel. The striving of labor is to keep my eyes on Jesus, and to never, never, look at sin or to see myself as fallen or to see myself as a self separate from Jesus.

Jesus is my Savior, He is living His life in me. He knows what He is doing and there is nothing in me that is in any way separate from Him.

If there is one thing that both Satan and the religious zealot hate, it is God living in the flesh.

Jesus has no problem being human.


 2019/1/28 12:20Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: Strive to Enter His Rest

Hi Vern: I read this a couple of times and yea I'm going to 'openly defy the cross' or maybe just Yordy's interpretation.

There's a lot of good being said and some goofiness too.

"nothing inside me that's not Jesus"...nonsense
"I will not look at sin"... dangerous
"Jesus already has subdued my flesh"...a one time work is nonsense
"I am the very throne of God"...nonsense

"And beyond that, quite a bit of modern evangelical Christianity doesn't even come from the Bible, or comes out of a continual deliberate removal of words and phrases from the text that changes the meaning of what it says completely. These "reduced" statements, prefaced by "The Bible says," become the "Christianity" that so many of our precious brethren hold so certainly in their minds."
Yordy's teaching is an example of it.

"More than that, I live in the Holiest of all, I am the very throne of God, my flesh is His temple. My dying body is filled with all the fullness of God. And all that I am and all that I do flows out of the Holiest of all."

OK, but this all remains to be proven.

In short, this admixture of avoiding the reality of what Yordy does and what he thinks of himself are simply to quiet his own conscience.

I realize someone like this is above argument, anyone questioning his verbiage or thinking are simply 'not in touch with Jesus'. OK, that again needs to be proven. But in the end, what I am reading is someone who has gone from Christianity to 'un-teachable', no bible is going to change his mind. He has gone from 'in-work' to arrived and its all just a mental construct that keeps him from living in the 'fullness of God' that has been granted him.

To all of this, I say take another lap, try again, for though there is good and right things said, it's tarnished with the idea that this guy has arrived and any questioning of him or his understandings are "defying the cross".



 2019/1/28 13:58Profile

Joined: 2018/9/6
Posts: 279

 Re: Nonsense?

Lets look at God's word to see what it says.

1 Cor. 6:19, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"

Yes our fleshly body is the dwelling place of God! Now inside of us is the holy of hollies. The very Shekinah glory of God that the high priest experienced when he went in once a year now is in us every second of every day. NOW our body contains this glory. This is where we now live. We are on the throne of God.

The bible is very clear that our old self died - now this is utter, and a complete death. What needed to die - died. What needed to cease - ceased. The Cross is absolute, complete and total. Every part of the old man - the sin nature - our old self- the Adam nature was crucified has already perished in totality upon the cross.

It would be impossible to reckon ourselves dead if it was not 100% true that we were already dead. Now that would be NONSENSE.

The crucifixion of Jesus has put to death sin's death-hold on my body. Sin has no dominion over me.

Do you limit the power of the life of the One who lives in you?

To limit the cross is to dishonor the Son. To limit the life of the Son who lives in us is to dishonor the Son. To limit the supreme value of the blood that bought us is to dishonor the Son. Never do we think that our human weakness is too much for the One who lives in us. Never do we think that God's will cannot be done in this earth in this age in our lives. Never do we think that we are not worthy of all the favor of God. Never do we think that our hearts are shameful or that we are unclean. Never, never do we limit God to heaven.

The good news of the gospel is not only that God has completely forgiven us for our sins on the basis of Jesus' shed blood, but that He has also completely delivered us from the power of the law of sin and death by including us in His death and resurrection.

Col 3:9, “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;”

When did we put off the old man with his deeds? This was done when we were Crucified in Christ.

There are only two ways of living
1. Christ not I
2. I not Christ

Gal 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: (my old self - the old man - the Adam nature was totally and completely crucified and died with Christ - what was needed to die is now dead and never can be resurrected again) neverthless I live; (I am still here) yet not I, (the Christ infused I because I have been made ONE by God in Christ and no separation exists between us. I am now in reality one with the person of Christ) but Christ liveth in me: (YES! His Life within me is now my real and only life) and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, (HE IS MY LIFE and He is my LIVING CONNECTION to God the father. He is the author - initiator and finisher of my faith - His faith is my faith.) who loved me (and pours out his love on me and within me second by second every day), and gave himself for me. (This is a continually giving of HIMSELF to me in a never ending discovery of HIM inside me that just keeps unfolding and keeps giving).”
complete and total. Every part of the old man - the sin nature - our old self- the Adam nature was crucified has already perished in totality upon the cross.


 2019/1/30 8:18Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Hi Vern,

I think reckoning ourself dead means to repent of our sins and to move away from them.

I was just browsing through what you said.
"The bible is very clear that our old self died - now this is utter, and a complete death .... Every part of the old man - the sin nature - our old self- the Adam nature was crucified has already perished in totality upon the cross."

If that was true Vern, and the sin nature no longer exists, why does it say put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature ? It is saying there that our nature still exists.... whatever belongs to 'your earthly nature'. (present tense).
Not, whatever 'Belonged' to your earthly nature.

I know grace is important. And you are a good person to relate grace to people but sometimes I feel things are being said that aren't there.

Hebrews 4 v11.
Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.

Here again we see it's possible to go into disobedience. But if the old man, the flesh , the sin nature had died completely and utterly in us how could we go back into disobedience, and what is there left inside man after all of those things have been taken out of the way that would cause him to want to go back there ?

David Keel

 2019/1/30 10:02Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: still off base

Hi Vern: Well brother all I can say is your off base.

We are not the throne of God, we are a habitation of the Spirit...two vastly different things.
Off base.

Death still has dominion until Christ throws death into the lake of fire...until then you are going to die, "it is appointed we all die, then the judgment" Heb.
Off Base

"Never do we think we are not worthy" we have never been worthy, unless grace is no longer grace?
off base

"Never do we think our hearts are shameful or that we are unclean" 1Jn 1:9 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us"
off base again.

You have an over-realized view of just how perfect you are. You are not free from the body of this death until you put on immortality. In that case you are not free from 'daily' carrying your cross, that means the sin nature will easily resume it's role in ruling your life, so you cannot in any way claim "complete deliverance" and the sin-nature has "perished".
off base.

To some, my denial of your claims may sound like a retreat from living in Spiritual victory, that would be wrong. I am saying you do not have what you claim. "no separation exists" is again off base. You are not Christ, Christ is not you and the Spirit's indwelling does not join you as ONE with the trinity.

This kind of cultic verbiage is exactly the kind of stuff that takes believers way off base and into heresy.

So, you may in fact be a holy man, you may be victorious and living by faith and I have no reason to question that, but your interpretation are full of bologna, they are errant.

I am always happy to look at God's word to see what it says, It's my stock and trade, I buy the truth and sell it not.

When you actually defend "I am the throne of God" claim, you relegate your teachings to the loony section; Why? Because if every believer is a 'throne of God' there is no more One God, but many gods and multiplied thrones all making claims about their natures which are false and all of them making claims about their "oneness" with God that exceeds any claims from any apostle. In short

off base.

Heterodox views of the sin nature, oneness, death of self etc are sometimes hidden behind zealous devotion to God, and this is one of those cases where error has fastened itself to your devotion.


 2019/1/30 11:46Profile

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