Poster | Thread |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | What are your feelings about how we are transformed David ? If we believe it is all done through just by walking by grace and our sins become less, and we are changed. Where is this taught practically in the Bible ? If you could pin point the verses it would show me where you're coming from. _________________ David Keel
2019/1/23 12:34 | Profile |
twayneb Member

Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: If we do away with reading would we even feel saved ? | | David: I think I understand exactly what you are saying. There is a difference between having an intellectual understanding of God and trying to live out of the wellspring of that intellect and having an encounter with the living God and drawing life from the Holy Spirit.
We would never advise believers to throw away the Bible and fail to study or read it. But too many believers base their Christian walk on just that exercise. I can have every doctrinal i dotted and every doctrinal t crossed, and still fail to know Him intimately. I can be as straight as a gun barrel and yet be just as empty of His presence. He never called us to study about Him, debate Him, and have an intellectual understanding of Him. Those things all come from the mind of man and their fruit is fleshly. He called us to know Him in intimacy and through this knowing to be transformed into His image from glory to glory. When we are pursuing this, He will see to it that He reveals His written word to us and it will change the very fabric of who we are.
_________________ Travis
2019/1/24 11:58 | Profile |
TMK Member

Joined: 2012/2/8 Posts: 6650 NC, USA
| Re: | | Well stated Travis. _________________ Todd
2019/1/24 12:18 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | Thanks Travis. Yes I believe it comes out of the intimacy the Lord wants us to have with him. And the Scripture teaches us, (once we have waded through a lot of the false teaching in most of Christendom), that this intimacy comes through dying to self. The Lord aligns himself with that person.
_________________ David Keel
2019/1/24 13:47 | Profile |
TrueWitness Member

Joined: 2006/8/10 Posts: 661
| Re: | | I find that some of these heresy hunter "discernment ministries" are preaching to the choir. I listen to them and I actually agree with a lot of what they are saying but I'm thinking to myself: "How many days or weeks did they spend going through every Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn broadcast to document this stuff?" And I'm sure that the people they are presenting this stuff to can't stand Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn anyway. So what's the point? When the Federal Reserve hires someone new to detect counterfeit bills, they don't show them counterfeit stuff, they teach them to know every detail of the real thing. When they have a bill that doesn't agree with the real thing they know it's counterfeit.
-Daniel |
2019/1/24 14:44 | Profile |
docs Member

Joined: 2006/9/16 Posts: 2753
| Re: | | I'm surely not any perfect saint since the results and fruits of Calvary are always progressive in a believer's life. They don't come all at once and one has to be willing to be aggressive and pursue and fight for them. The passive don't obtain. And I would think if we concentrate on how corrupt our heart is we are giving the old man a rightful lease to run our lives. The main goal of Satan is to bewitch us and get our eyes off of the cross. The cross needs to be put back at the center of the church's considerations and teachings and proclamations. In our men's group as church we studied the cross again last year and it is making a difference for us. At the cross our corrupt nature was totally slain and a new heart was given us so we might walk in newness of life. I believe this is where we should start as far as our transformation goes. This is the first practical step in our transformation and deeper intimacy - do we really believe this? If we need to repent about anything perhaps it is neglecting what happened at th a cross. The details of the sacrifice at Calvary and what Christ bore can only be found in the Word. And if He tells you something about Calvary while you are in your prayer closet you can bet it can found in the Word.
I don't want to come across as a know it all but rather try and spread some encouragement.
_________________ David Winter
2019/1/24 16:16 | Profile |
twayneb Member

Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: | | David: re.: the OP.
There is such a thing as true truth and a false truth that we create ourselves. If we lack intimacy with Him, then we create a truth based on our own intellectual understanding of scripture and it is verified and modified by our own experiences. We create a gospel that is true enough to us, but is not the truth, if that makes sense.
We are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12). This transformation is found only 4 times in scripture. Twice the word is transfigured and speaks of Christ's transfiguration on the mountain when He literally shone with light as He was seen bearing the glory of God. The fourth time is fantastic. We are told that when we look upon Him with an unveiled face (speaking of true, uncovered and unveiled intimacy) that we are changed (transfigured) from glory to glory into His image. This has always been His desire. We are not born again for the sake of our own eternal destination. That is just what happens to be true because of our rebirth. We are born again to bear His image and glory. The only way we can manifest this is to know Him in intimacy.
In this intimacy, He will speak the truth of righteousness in our lives. He will reveal to us His love and what it looks like to both receive and become this love. He will speak to us His original purpose for our lives. He will show us who we have become in Him. In doing this, we will learn to submit our everything to Him and we will be compelled to open up each and every area of our lives to His transforming work. We will become like Him as He transforms us and as a result we will bear much fruit for His kingdom.
_________________ Travis
2019/1/25 13:44 | Profile |
davidkeel Member

Joined: 2006/5/11 Posts: 519 West Sussex, England
| Re: | | Thanks for the input to this Travis, and everyone. _________________ David Keel
2019/1/25 15:32 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I regard the WORD as God's love letter to me. In it He tells me about himself, how he deals with people and how He wants our love and devotion. He informs me what would happen if I spurn him. Studying the WORD shapes my mind, how I think and in turn how I react to life, situations that come my way. No other literature has this kind of power over me - in fact I consider most of it boring because it seems so dead! Other religious lit does not poses any life-giving qualities like the WORD does to me. It may point me to the LORD but it is not life-giving, or empowering like God's own WORD.
My testimony...
Sandra _________________ Sandra Miller
2019/1/25 17:08 | Profile |
CofG Member

Joined: 2017/2/12 Posts: 964 Cambodia
| Re: | | May all have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. May all offer their lives to Him as a living sacrifice no longer living for themselves but only for Him.
From that, grace and peace are multiplied, love abounds, transformation occurs, maturity and unity are achieved and Christ likeness is obtained. That’s Scripture. Not opinion, not experience,
“If you love Me, you will obey my commands and I will love you and the Father will love you and I will manifest Myself to you. “
May the Spirit of love, holiness and revelation and understanding make that happen in all who desire Jesus more than anything in heaven and earth and long to see Him seen and honored as supreme in all the earth to the glory of God the Father. Amen. _________________ Robert
2019/1/26 20:18 | Profile |