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Joined: 2019/1/15
Posts: 2

 Ravenhill Biography

Hello brethren, good day. I have really been blessed by sermons from here since I joined. I am from Nigeria and I have always been challenged by Leonard Ravenhill.

I have sought for his Biography by Mack Tomlinson.
Pls who can help me with any.
We can work out how I can get it even if it is the hard copy (which I prefer).
I am grateful for the benevolence.

 2019/1/15 1:50Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Ravenhill Biography

There is an kindle ebook version available here brother, though it is expensive:

In Light of Eternity, The Life of Leonard Ravenhill - Kindle Edition

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2019/1/15 6:54Profile

Joined: 2019/1/15
Posts: 2


Thank you very much. I was hoping to get som

 2019/1/16 6:13Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: Ravenhill's books

It's my opinion Leonard Ravenhill's books are vastly superior to his sermons. His sermons in my mind are anecdotal, summaries of various weakness in the Church, pithy comments on causations to lukewarmness or prayerlessness.

He only by implication steers his listeners toward faith. A good sermon with the divine element of 'exhorting to faith' contained in it must also contain the necessary promises and testimony that stirs the heart to change course, repent or reconsider.

I have not heard much by the way of 'exhorting to apply faith', but much by way of "The Church is this-and-that, therefore it behooves you to go get some faith and live in that".

His books don't have this missing element, he fills out in them what he lacks in his sermons.

Again, just my opinion of a blessed and anointed man of God's sermons.


 2019/1/16 12:53Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: The good stuff

Books by Ravenhill:

Why Revival Tarries

Revival Praying

Sodom had no bible

Revival God's way a message to the Church

American is too young to die

Radical: preaching and praying

Meat for Men

You can find all of these on Amazon or try

Alibris used books. I buy a lot of books through Alibris.


 2019/1/16 13:00Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: Just a friendly notice


Reading Ravenhill's books are dangerous.

1. There is no way you can read these and appreciate status-quo in you or your church.
2. There is no way you will be unaffected by these and it will directly affect your preaching and frame of mind in regards to sin, worldliness among your brothers and apathy in the pulpit.
3. Your reputation will move from 'approved member' to comments similar to Ahab's "Haven't I always told you to tell the truth?...and when you do, "he never has anything good to say".
4. Prayer meetings imitating prayer meetings will be greatly disapproving of your prayers.
5. Church members will not know what to make of you.

These are just a few I have encountered. Reader beware.

Edit to add:

Real Zeal in anyone makes other nervous. Zeal for prayer and personal holiness is quickly dampened...why? Because if it is not, it infects others and the remainder who are comfortable in lukewarmness/apathy will find reasons the zeal of God is inappropriate, or condemning or pushy or disruptive or 'not what we do here'. If the Pastor or Elders are in the same state they will require you to sit down and shut up lest you find yourself 'frozen out'.


 2019/1/16 13:11Profile

Joined: 2016/11/15
Posts: 282


Greetings Lifeline from Nigeria,
I would be happy to get a hard copy of the Ravenhill biography to you.
Email me.


 2019/1/28 18:00Profile

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