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Joined: 2012/2/16
Posts: 105

 Guidence on listening to Steve Quayle

Have been listening to steve and his teaching, thoughts and such on end times and nephilim, advanced technology ect... Very interesting and i think there is alot of truth in what he says. He also seems legitimate and his prayers, use of Scripture and the like seem bible based and edifying. However I'm still looking for some advice, he speakes of a personal visitation from Christ to him where cheist appeared to him physically, also says he's seen and been to the judgment seat of Christ? This is where i get caution and not sure...

So thought would be much appreciated, blessing tomo07.


 2019/1/14 8:48Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Guidence on listening to Steve Quayle

"he speaks of a personal visitation from Christ to him where Christ appeared to him physically".

The thing is, no one else can tell you whether or not those experiences were real unless they were actually with you experiencing the same thing themselves. You were the one who experienced them, and only you know what it was like.

Although many people believe theoretically that spiritual experiences such as Steve's are possible, often they don’t actually believe it when someone tells them about having one. I would suggest that we all be careful about who we tell our story to. It’s best to have a certain amount of trust with someone, before telling them about parts of your life that are very close to your heart. This is just my personal opinion.


 2019/1/14 9:37Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Guidence on listening to Steve Quayle

Does he use his supposed Christianity to try to give credence to his fringe ideas?

It took me about 5 seconds on his website for red flags to shoot up all over the place.


 2019/1/14 10:17Profile

Joined: 2012/2/16
Posts: 105


What kind of red flags? The gold and silver buying? Our future and protection is in Christ not gold or silver and he ahs said that numerous times during his radio interviews, piry its ont reinforced on hiis website.

Do you find nephilim, demons and giants ect as red flags? These thinga are scriptural. Yes he doesn't use Christianity supposed or not, but Scripture to suppprts his ideas. As i said i don't agree with all he has to say but think alot of what he says is truth? Are tou familiar with him or his work?


 2019/1/14 10:37Profile

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: SQ


Try giving this a listen to and see what you make of it;

 2019/1/14 10:45Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


The problem with guys like him is that you can’t tell if they really believe what they are saying, or whether his tongue is firmly planted in cheek the whole time, so as to support his business of selling books, gold, etc.

I certainly enjoy RESPONSIBLE discussion of certain topics like nephilim, cryptids, UFOs etc. I think Dr. Michael Heiser is a more responsible option for things of that nature.

There are some podcasts that are pretty good as well. A key: do they provide both sides of the issue, or do they espouse only the “fringiest” position?


 2019/1/14 12:02Profile

Joined: 2012/2/16
Posts: 105


Had a listen ro you link savannah, some interesting points/views thanks.


 2019/1/15 15:29Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Guidence on listening to Steve Quayle

I checked out Steve Quayle's site...its graphics somehow leave me cold but will be the first to agree that they are not sinful. Something just does not seem right.

If you are really interested in end times I do suggest you check out Amir Tsarfati's updates on Israel (Behold Israel), and Jan Markel's take on current events. I am not in full agreement with Amir's take on the pre-trib rapture but there are things there that are worthwhile to consider.

Amir and others lament the lack of teaching prophecy in the church has opened the door to apostasy. Reading prophecy, studying it is so enlightening. It impacts seriously how one looks at life, politics, current events, natural disasters and evil that abounds all around us.

In my world we are seeing, hearing more discussions on the end times, even by people who you would not think are all that interested in the topic.


Sandra Miller

 2019/1/18 15:19Profile

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