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Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 The Following of Christ

A Book review of Greg Gordons book The Following of Christ.

I will write this at the risk of making this topic sounding trite and common place. My intention is to Thank God for this work.

A short work, not polemical, not theological, not geared towards better marriages, better finances or better kids.

This work was aimed at glorifying God with a wholly better Christianity.

I saw that the book was short so I opened it up at a restaurant while eating breakfast.

The book is outstanding. This is not the first time I've read a book in a restaurant crying with my hands shaking, wiping tears away on every page. I didn't pay any attention to who was looking. I was gripped.

I'll just say there is little difference between Pastor Wang Yi's letter of declaration and Greg's book, the one written by a man who is planning to enter prison for the cause of Christ and other written for those of us who's fear of it may stifle our Christian witness.

Read Greg's book and read Pastor Wang's letter together you will see as I saw the same apostolic spirit the same heart for Christ and the same desire to love and enjoy Jesus no matter what the cost.

it gets 5 stars, but seriously what kind of star expresses devotion to Jesus in martyrdom?


 2018/12/28 12:34Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: The Following of Christ

God bless you brother for your kind words. May the Lord be praised.

Saints can download the book FREELY or even purchase a paperback at-cost value here:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2018/12/28 13:04Profile

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