So up until yesterday I was in need of $100 about as bad as one could need it. I had seen the need coming and had been praying about it. It was just one of those times when most needs had been provided but this one need was looming. So I prayed some more about it. Voicing the need out loud to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And then I set aside a a special time of prayer and as aggressively as I could addressed the need one more time to the Lord. Sort of like wrestling. That was Tuesday night and the next morning Wednesday (yesterday) at the VERY LAST moment out of nowhere came the provision. I had not mentioned it to anyone but the Lord. Then from two sources COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED and UNSOLICITED within 3 hours and 15 minutes I had $275 in my hand. At the very last moment this came about. I didn't hear any audible voices or the like but I have the impression the Lord said, "Well, you prayed fervently about it didn't you." He didn't provide and anoint to me the $100 but almost three times what I needed. It still seems almost like it dropped out of the sky! This deed and the way it worked out is IMPOSSIBLE. But with God ALL THINGS are.... I remain astonished. I am limping on my thigh today as Jacob did after wrestling with the divine. I limp in astonishment because I am sure nothing in me brought this about. Not the biggest miracle our Lord has ever done for one of His own but it made an impression on me. I thought maybe the Lord might help me, possibly, but almost three times what I needed was provided. Who would have ever thought it? This God we worship is ABLE and FAITHFUL!Blessings to all of you this holiday and in the coming year. You can trust this God we worship.
_________________David Winter
Great story- I was kind of hoping you would say $153 showed up (like the catch of fish in John 21) but $275 is better!Thanks for sharing this!
Prais the Lord David!
Blessed be God who still vindicates his name (by rewarding faith in him) centuaries after the apostolic era :(
Thanks for sharing this Brother David. Even as a believer, these stories still lift me up and encourage me, and remind me, he will always provide the needs for his faithful, of course on his timing, which was perfect timing in your case.