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Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 341

 A Help-meet question


I was wondering how some would answer this -

Can a man fulfill his calling without the help of his wife? How bad is it if she refuses?


J Kruger

 2018/11/29 8:17Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: A Help-meet question

Brother Kruger,

Would she not be included in her husbands calling?
In other words, a husbands calling is to love his wife... that’s not to say his calling is limited to this end but would certainly include it:)))
So if a man is loving his wife, sacrificially as Christ loves His church, while fulfilling his calling to share the gospel/love of God to others is he not fulfilling his calling?
If she is unresponsive to Gods calling on her life, then it’s NOT the husbands job to convict her... that’s exclusively reserved for Holy Spirit. So as he walks in fellowship with God, even if she remains unresponsive, she still benefits from the benevolence shown her:)

Hope that helps


 2018/11/29 21:35Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650


Thumbs up Fletcher.


 2018/11/29 21:37Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 341

 Re - JFW

Hi Fletcher
Thank you for your response. Very true, and goes without saying.

By calling, I meant the specific purpose that can only be achieved by a combination of 2 souls and their unique attributes, for the purpose of God's Kingdom.

If Jesus loves the Church sacrificially, that refuse to align herself with His mandate from God, and the Holy Spirit is convicting the Church, why is there so little evidence and fruit?


J Kruger

 2018/11/30 9:14Profile

Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 2009
Dothan, Alabama

 Re: Re - JFW

Dear Brother,
There are instances where the fruit takes time to produce... times where we’re in a growth phase and His work is more to refine us or possibly prune us so as to bring forth even more fruit :)))
Point is, that our focus should be on Him- on keeping step with Him and let Him straighten out the bends in others to mold them in the fashion He sees fit.
This was a HARD lesson for me:/ and for many years (with good intentions) I unwittingly put enormous undue strain on my marriage and it took years before I relented, finally receiving conviction that alas it was me that was getting in the way of His work in my wife😳
After which He once again gave me His rest and peace as I acquiesced and once again began to trust and obey ;)

Hope that helps and will def lift y’all in prayer 🙏🏻


 2018/11/30 10:13Profile


Brother Kruger, I identify so much with your questions.

Fletcher, thank you so much for sharing your experience!

I can hardly believe the similarity in my own marriage as dear brother Fletcher describes (love you so much bro!). Wow!

In the past couple years (it's taken me 21 years of marriage to get to this point, and I feel like I've only just begun!), mercy is enabling me to shift focus off what I perceived was my (our) calling, and rather learning to to keep Christ himself as my focus. It's changing everything in our marriage!

That said, my perception is that most of the fruit is being hidden, from my earth-bound vantage point. But the eternal heavenly fruit being born is quite abundant.

Sure, I am enjoying palpable fruit of the Spirit here and now (especially in my inner being), in my marriage and parenting.

But the "fruit" of ministry (saved souls, healthy local ekklesia on a larger scale..etc.), is largely being hidden.

Yet from His vantage point, I believe all my longings and desires are being realized (fulfilled) according to His building. One living stone at a time. He knows his sheep, and his sheep know him. He WILL receive the full measure of fruit that He deserves!

I'm learning to be satisfied, restful and peaceful in Him, despite what appears (in my physical surroundings, including marriage and parenting) to be raging storms of hopelessness, despair and hell-bound trajectories at times (I'm being extreme, God only knows the full reality).

When I'm in my right mind, even within a seemingly divided household, I experience the fruit of the Spirit in tremendous measure, and that is Christ Jesus.

Again, the aim is not that we fulfill our perspective of a calling, but rather that He IS the fulfillment of ALL!

ADD: our aim as husbands is NOT to focus on how our wives are doing with shortcomings of fulfilling their calling, or how they relate to our calling. Rather, we love them, give up ourselves for them, serve them...etc. Through this means, may Christ dwell in our homes (hearts) by faith, and may fruit come forth, according to His will. Any grief we bear over the sin we see in our wives and/or children, we bear it in the same manner Christ did (does). Laying down our lives. Constant intercession. Holiness. Only doing/saying what Father is, according to the Spirit at work within.

Love and grace truly abounds in mercy through Christ Jesus our Lord!

 2018/11/30 10:54

 Re: A Help-meet question

1. Can a man fulfill his calling without the help of his wife? Yes, in the same manner that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.
2. How bad is it if she refuses? Very bad for anyone who is not found in Christ.

 2018/11/30 11:53

 Re: Re - JFW

“why is there so little evidence and fruit?”

There is abundant and never ending fruit in Christ Jesus (hidden like a treasure buried in a field).Discerning fruit has everything to do with our perspective and focus.

You struck a vein with me, dear brother!

Love you so much and definitely feel your pain (as did/does Christ Jesus our Lord).

May fruit of the Spirit abound in your inner man, and emanate from there as an aroma of Christ within our marriages and beyond!

Love comes to mind...I Cor. 13 love....desperately needed in this hour, in our marriages and parenting.


 2018/11/30 12:07

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265

 Re: A Help-meet question

Q. Can a man fulfill his calling without the help of his wife?


Q. How bad is it if she refuses?

A. Very bad for her.

JESUS said,

“And every man who leaves a house or a brother or sister or father or mother or wife or children or towns for my name's sake, each will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life." Matthew 19:29

“Look,” said Peter, “we have left everything we had to follow You.”

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times more in this age—and in the age to come, eternal life.” Luke 18:28-30

 2018/11/30 13:16Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: Marriage what?

Savannah: Your counsel in a marriage conference would fly like a lead balloon.

Obviously you've not read the scripture...Wife, Children, Job, entertainment and hobbies or you cannot be my disciple...not sure where that verse is at the moment.


 2018/11/30 15:52Profile

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