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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : Lift up your head and begin to praise Him even now

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Joined: 2010/12/7
Posts: 1527
In Christ

 Lift up your head and begin to praise Him even now

"True faith counts on God, and believes before it sees. Naturally, we want some evidence that our petition is granted before we believe; but when we walk by faith we need no other evidence than God’s Word. He has spoken, and according to our faith it shall be done unto us. We shall see because we have believed, and this faith sustains us in the most trying places, when everything around us seems to contradict God’s Word...

If we have the faith that believes to see, it will keep us from growing discouraged. We shall “laugh at impossibilities,” we shall watch with delight to see how God is going to open up a path through the Red Sea when there is no human way out of our difficulty. It is just in such places of severe testing that our faith grows and strengthens.

Have you been waiting upon God, dear troubled one, during long nights and weary days, and have feared that you were forgotten? Nay, lift up your head, and begin to praise Him even now for the deliverance which is on its way to you."

- Streams in the Desert

SI Moderator - Brandy Gordon

 2018/11/6 11:35Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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