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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : This is Jesus

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 This is Jesus

The Character of Jesus is higher than the highest heavens. His love and compassion and mercy and obedience are beyond what our feeble minds can comprehend. And since we can only compare with what we know, we can say with full assurance, and still fall pitifully short, that our Saviors love would render the deepest ocean to but a single tear from the Masters eye. The sun that blazes brilliantly in the sky, but a spark compared to our Lords burning passion. The universe and all others combined, smaller than the smallest chamber of His heart. This is the God we serve; this is the Jesus of the Gospels; this is Jesus, God among us:


You are higher than the highest heavens
You love is deeper than the deepest sea
Your mercy is beyond all comprehension
And your grace goes on eternally

You are the bread of life, the one true vine
You are the glorious gate for the sheep
You are the way, the truth and the life
And deep cries out to deep

You are master and lord and king of kings
You are worthy to be praised
Your the anointed one, the prince of peace
I will worship you all of my days

You are the resurrection and the life, oh lamb of God
You are the creator and ancient of days
Your the alpha and omega, beginning and end
You are perfect in all of your ways

You are the conquerer, creator, exalted one
You are victorious over death and sin
Your a father to the fatherless, faithful and true
You are this fire that burns deep within

You are my rock and my fortress, the foundation of life
You are the God that healeth thee
Your the lion of Judah, my lamb of God
You are the Christ that set me free

You are incorruptable, infallible the hope of mankind
You are the light that shines in the dark
Your majestic, omnipotent, eternal king
You are the lord over all of my heart ...........bro Frank

 2018/10/27 9:44

Joined: 2005/6/23
Posts: 40

 Re: This is Jesus

Amen and Amen ! What a wonderful Savior, Redeemer and High Priest. Where we would be if it wasn't for Him..Thank You Lord!

Samuel Thomas

 2018/10/29 4:29Profile


Amen, wonderful Saviour indeed............bro Frank

 2018/10/29 15:12

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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