Hi all, Please check out John Piper, at this address on the web.... www.desiringgod.orgThanks. Crossman
Hi Crossman,I don't think you got my PM's. But anyway let me first welcome you to SI. I would like to encourage you to first get a feel for the site and to avoid posting other sites without offering some sort of context besides "Hey check this out". If you feel there is some significance to these websites, tell us about it. Please don't just flood the forum with links to other sites.Also, you should take note of what section of the forum you are posting in. This thread, for instance, should go in the lounge, not in the Scripture and Doctrine section. Just some house keeping advice.In Christ,Jeremy Hulsey
_________________Jeremy Hulsey
Welcome crossman4God !Wierd, I just discovered this site the other day. I was going to the Baptist Church on the hill where we live and one day chatted with my Pastor about his favourite preacher. He stated emphatically John Piper. Looking at his credentials the other day, I understood why, downloading some of his sermons, I was knocked out at the tremendous passion for Jesus, this man has, it literally comes of the mp3 player and knocks you unconscious. My pastor is hosting a study at the local Bible Institute here in Kalk Bay on the 9th July, with a South African preacher Dr Wagner, on the book of 2 Corinthians...gonna be 'straight up'...gonna 'be there'In Jesus,.A.:-P
_________________Eric John Sawyer