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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Called to be a Reproducing Church by Archbishop Foley Beach

Note: Saints, this is the current leader of the Anglican Church of North America, they are a group of anglicans that have decided to lose buildings, salaries, reputations and many other things to be obedient to Jesus Christ and Scriptures and not agree with unbiblical deviations such as homosexuality being approved in the Church.

It could be said amongst believers in the West in the last 5 years they have suffered the most "persecution" of losing lands, buildings, money, etc for their stand for Scripture.

Let us pray for this new leader (Foley Beach) who is speaking boldly and standing with many orthodox anglicans in Africa. Currently 70% of anglicans stand against homosexuality and other wrong views that the church of england has adopted. Learn more at:

Below is part of his sermon given on his being adopted as head bishop over north america to serve believers:


A Third Mark of Modern Anglicanism is we are called to be a Reproducing Church. Just as in the creation story when God told humanity to be fruitful and multiply, Jesus commissioned his disciples before he ascended to do the same.

Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you to end of the ages.

We are called to be a reproducing church – a disciple-making church. This is the major reason God gives us the Holy Spirit. Remember his words after this in Acts 1. Go into Jerusalem, and wait for the gift of My Father. And then says,

Acts 1:8 – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to end of the earth.

The power of the Spirit is related to the commission to Go and make disciples. Do we really think that God will continue to pour out his Spirit if we are not obeying his commission?

Jesus says here that we are to go. They will rarely come to us. We must go. We must get out of the four walls of our church and go. We must get out from in front of the television or the computer screen and go. We must go.

We have a lot of Anglicans who are ministering overseas on other continents. Our reception this evening after the service is sponsored by Anglican Global Mission Partners, a network of 35 different Anglican ministries doing Global mission. Added to this are many congregations and individuals across the Province who are going to other nations with the Gospel.

Added to this is the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, which provides resources to Anglican ministries overseas to help them with projects to share the love of Jesus.

It is incredible the impact these ministries are making, and we need more people who are willing to go. But our primary mission field is North America – Canada, the United States, Mexico. And God has brought much of the world to us – right into our neighborhoods and communities.

And you and I need to go. We need to go to people in our world – our sphere of influence. The people we work with, the people we have fun with, the people down the street. We need to go to our next door neighbors. Do you even know your neighbors’ names?

What would happen if your congregation took seriously the neighborhood around your church? Challenge yourself to draw a circle of a one-mile radius around where your congregation meets, and get to know your neighbors. We must go.

The fish are not going to just jump into our boat. We must go fishing where the fish are. Go and make disciples. Disciples are followers of Jesus, disciples walk with the Lord. Disciples know their Bibles. Disciples know how to pray and commune with the Lord. Disciples know the importance of worship and gathering at the Lord’s Table. Anglican Disciples know their Bibles and their catechism.

Friends, we are called to be a reproducing Church. So the question which must be asked is this: Who is my Timothy? Who is my Mary? Who am I discipling?

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2018/8/9 15:21Profile

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