What a penetrating word from Mr. Ravenhill this is. His burden for prayer and bringing folk to know God resonate throughout. I would have liked to be a part of some of the prayer meetings he speaks about so passionately. I would like to have the kind of prayer life that man had, to my shame I am not there.He said that he had spoken in many pulpits around the world and met many pastors and missionary leaders but he had forgotten much of those meetings. But what stuck in his memory through the years was the prayer meetings and the men whom he travailed with in prayer. How we need to become men and women of prayer.https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=24656&commentView=itemComments
_________________Ron Halverson
//I would have liked to be a part of some of the prayer meetings he speaks about so passionately//You're not alone, Ron. Many of us dream of the same.
Below is a video of the interviewwith Brother Ravenhill.Powerful, anointed, and relevantmessage for the church today.Thank you for sharing Brother Ron!https://youtu.be/1DcZ3HJ0k7I