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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 IS MY HEART CHANGING? by David Wilkerson

“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5).

The Greek word for “examine” here means “scrutinize, assess.” The apostle Paul is saying, “Test yourself to see if you are walking according to God’s Word.” We are to constantly ask ourselves, “Am I changing? Am I becoming more loving and tenderhearted? Is my conversation becoming more righteous? Am I still complaining or am I beginning to speak edifying words of faith? Am I consciously trying to please Jesus?”

We should take this matter of self-examination very seriously. If you are a Christian, yet you are still apathetic about your spiritual growth, then you have not allowed God’s Spirit to do his work in you. Ask yourself if you are becoming more excited about Jesus and his Church every day. Or do you hold grudges, resentment, roots of bitterness?

It is possible for you to experience growth in many areas of your life and yet remain childish in other areas. Here is an easy test to assess whether or not spiritual growth is taking place. Simply ask yourself, “Am I thirsty? Do I want more of Jesus and his holiness?” If the answer is yes, you can be assured that you are growing, because the Word promises, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).

Do you want to grow spiritually? If so, ask the Holy Spirit to shine his light on any area of weakness or sin in your life and cry out to him, “Lord, I love you and long to know you better. I want to measure up to your Word. Please help me to grasp by faith that you are at work in me, enabling me to grow up spiritually!”

Don’t forget that God stands beside you right now, even if you are in a storm. He is watering your spirit, feeding your soul, putting down strong roots in you — helping you to grow in him!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2018/8/2 6:17Profile

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