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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 The Great Grandeur of Our Salvation

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. - 1 Peter 1:3

Some things in life require you take a larger view to see its grandeur and splendour. You cannot enjoy the mountains when studying the ground below your feet, you need to step back and look up and see the magnificence of God's creation in these towering structures made not by hands of men. In the same way we are encouraged in this passage to look at something great. The Holy Spirit leads Peter the apostle to write "great mercy" and in verse 6 he says "greatly rejoice." The salvation given unto men that came down from heaven is nothing by great, nothing but something to marvel at its grandeur and greatness. In contrast the passage also says "a little while you may have to suffer grief" (1 Peter 1:6). When we look at our circumstances in life they should appear "little" and the duration of having to deal with them will be just a "little while." What solace and peace this can bring us when we have our eyes fixed on the Lamb of God who is in the center of the heavenly throng (Revelation 5).

Actually the apostle says that when we look at the great salvation and look by faith to Christ we have "inexpressible and glorious joy." The passage leads us to see that God has great mercy, gives us New Birth, through the resurrection of Christ. Into an inheritance, through faith, believing in Him, filled with glorious joy, looking to the salvation of our souls at the revealing of Christ. We see there is nothing small about all of this, but rather its a: great mercy, great grace, great hope, great inheritance, great faith, great rejoicing, great love, great belief, great joy, and a great salvation.

It all starts with God's great mercy, and the resurrection of Christ. And summates in the revealing of Christ again at His second coming where salvation is concluded. Just like looking at a great mountain range with each peak something to study and be impressed with. Let us look at the great pinnacles of salvation in this passage and marvel anew at what a great salvation we are given in Christ. And in conclusion we should explode into praise and joy, and overflowing love for the One who died and rose again for you and for me.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2018/7/29 7:17Profile

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