Dominique posted this earlier, but the feature it is back on. Although a curiosity, but there must be a reason for it.God knows the significance of it.I just tried it, it worked.If you on Google Maps, Jerusalem Temple Mount you can see the Dome of the Rock. Go on street view and click on one of the blue dots. Face one of the entrances to the temple as if you want to go straight in. You will see that this gate:Alternatively you can check this link:,35.2355844,3a,75y,171.87h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipMQCh-lx6uLsSWwJx5LTiMQr7CyP75s-z8PjL1Q!2e10!7i5472!8i2736When you see a lady wearing a pink headscarf from the back, click into the gate or go straight to this link:,35.2356873,3a,75y,262.98h,99.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipNGdVsiYjK6oH4fQ11ND0UX-O1VyTXVAB1mPCc!2e10!7i6000!8i3000 I may take a bit of clicking around but then you will see a rendering of the interior of what I guess would be the 3rd temple to be built.