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Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Supreme Court short list

It's down to basically three and one is a Catholic lady with seven children who believes lawyers have a greater responsibility to God. I don't know what will happen but wouldn't it be ironic if a conservative religious (realize how I'm saying that) lady cast the vote nullifying Roe vs Wade. We'll see. Whoever is nominated will be turned into a devil by the media.

David Winter

 2018/7/5 23:30Profile

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: Supreme Courrt short list

It’s my understanding that if Roe v Wade is overturned, then each state will then get to decide whether to make abortion legal in their state; at least I think that is how it will work. Overturning Roe v. Wade will not have the effect of making all abortions illegal. That being said, I certainly hope it is overturned. A conservative SC had the chance to do so in 1993 but declined.


 2018/7/6 7:09Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753


These are good observations. And even if someone is nominated and has a chance to vote on the issue there's no real way to know how they will actually vote and if they would have the nerve to perhaps be the swing vote. A lot of prayer has gone up though to fight Roe vs Wade and I'm sure the Lord has heard these supplications and is aware of the efforts. Perhaps things will change.

David Winter

 2018/7/6 10:45Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: More on the Catholic nominee

If President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, the federal judge can expect her second bruising round of confirmation hearings in less than a year and more of what supporters call "unfair criticisms" about her faith.

Barrett, 46, is one of six judges Trump has already interviewed to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the bench. She is a federal appeals court judge who was appointed by Trump in 2017. Her Senate confirmation was anything but easy as she was grilled by Democrats about her religious background.

She once told a 2006 Notre Dame Law School graduating class that their “legal career is but a means to an end, and … that end is building the kingdom of God. … If you can keep in mind that your fundamental purpose in life is not to be a lawyer, but to know, love and serve God, you truly will be a different kind of lawyer.”

“The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said during the September 2017 hearing.

When Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. asked if she was an “orthodox Catholic” -- a term used in a paper she co-authored two decades before -- Barrett clarified she is a “faithful Catholic” but would “stress my personal church affiliation or my religious belief would not bear on the discharge of my duties as a judge.”

After Barrett’s hearing, Princeton University President Christopher L. Eisgruber said he was “deeply concerned by the harsh and often unfair criticisms that are now routinely levelled from both sides of the political spectrum against distinguished judicial nominees who would serve this country honorably and well," including Barrett. He urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to “refrain from interrogating nominees about the religious or spiritual foundations of their jurisprudential views.”

Barrett’s connections to a charismatic organization, the People of Praise, has also come under fire, especially as she’s made it onto the short list of the president’s Supreme Court picks. Barrett’s critics have called the group a “cult” and believe it could cloud her judgment on the nation’s highest court.

Barrett was also a trustee of the Trinity School, an education program founded by the People of Praise, from 2015 to 2017.

Read on for a look at the People of Praise and how Barrett fits into the group.

So what is the People of Praise?

On its website, the People of Praise bills itself as a “Christian community of families and single people who seek to participate in the mission of the church in our time and to live our lives communally until the day when Jesus will be all in all.”

It has members of many denominations, although the majority are Catholic.

The religious group also says it understands it can be difficult for some people to understand as “we are a community that defies categories.”

When Barrett’s involvement with the group first drew criticism in 2017, Craig S. Lent, a People of Praise leader and University of Notre Dame professor, defended it as something that’s not “nefarious or controversial.”

“We don’t try to control people,” he told The New York Times. “And there’s never any guarantee that the leader is always right. You have to discern and act in the Lord.”

Aside from its schools, the People of Praise also does mission work, especially in low-income or high-crime neighborhoods in Indiana.

What is this about ‘handmaids'?

According to The Times, male leaders in the group are referred to as “heads” and women are called “handmaids.” But Lent said the group has decided to use “woman leader” instead of handmaid in recent years.

“We follow the New Testament pattern of asking men to take on some spiritual responsibility for their families,” Lent said.

Is it political?

Bishop Peter Smith, an auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Portland, Oregon, told the Catholic News Agency (CNA) the group is non-partisan.

“I know for a fact there are both registered Republicans and Democrats as well as independents in the People of Praise,” Smith said. He is a part of the Brotherhood of the People of Praise, which CNA said is an association of priests who are connected to the organization.

Lent also told The New York Times the group would never tell a person in a political or judicial office "how to discharge their responsibilities.”

How does one join the group?

One can join the People of Praise after what it calls “an initial period of discernment and preparation” -- something that can take as long as six years. After that, an individual is asked to make a covenant of a “promise of love and service to fellow community members and to God.”

The covenant is not an oath or a vow, meaning it is not permanent.

How did it get its start?

The People of Praise began in 1971 in South Bend, Indiana, according to its website. Many of its founders were associated with the University of Notre Dame, the Catholic college where Barrett both studied and taught.

Now, there are 22 locations across the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean, according to its website. It boasts nearly 2,000 adult members.

What does this mean for Barrett?

Christians and conservatives have rushed to Barrett’s defense in wake of her reported inclusion on Trump’s short list for the Supreme Court.

Mona Charen, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote, “If Barrett is a glazed-eyed cultist, she’s done an incredible job of hiding it.” The Washington Examiner’s Becket Adams called the judge “the sort of person who pro-abortion advocates and other left-leaning activists would do and say anything to block from taking a Supreme Court seat.”

In a column for Bloomberg, Ramesh Ponnuru implored the president to pick Barrett.

“If Democrats want to make a case against Barrett’s religion again, but with the added publicity a Supreme Court nomination would bring, it probably would not play better,” Ponnuru said.

Catholic League President Bill Donohue said Feinstein and Durbin should recuse themselves from the vote if Barrett is Trump’s pick because of their “anti-Catholic bias.”

“Not to do so would be intellectually dishonest and patently unfair to Judge Barrett,” Donohue said.

Barrett’s faith could pose a challenge to future court decisions regarding abortion, a practice that most Christians and Catholics are fundamentally opposed to.

On the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion, Barrett has said, “I’m sure every nominee before you would have personal beliefs about that precedent and many others. But all nominees are united in their belief that what they think about a precedent should not bear on how they will decide cases.”

Two years ago, just before the presidential election, she said she didn’t think that the “core case” of Roe v. Wade would be overturned.

“I think the question of whether people can get late-term abortions -- how many restrictions can be put on clinics -- I don’t think that will change,” she said.

She described abortion as “always immoral” on a White House questionnaire last year. But she said then, “If I am confirmed, my views on this or any other question will have no bearing on the discharge of my duties as a judge.”

David Winter

 2018/7/6 14:03Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


I wouldn't care if Barrett was hard-shell Baptist. Democrat-socialist-elitist-murderers pretend their atheist/skeptic/agnostic views are not influencing their political decisions...and we do not believe them for a second; Barrett will use what she knows and believes to make her political decisions.
What this is about is making sure the atheist/skeptic/agnostic group-think continues in a secular humanist philosophy. This philosophy is necessary to maintain the Democrat-leftist-lunatic ideas and agendas.

They all know very well that power positions make the way for a shift in culture...otherwise who cares is she is nominated? But they know well that their godless ideologies will not profit them when they cannot get a consensus.

Some goof will say "you are depending on the arm of flesh" and I will say, you are a loon. When God ordained our country and gave it a constitution designed to give men opportunity to live outside of oppression, you take full advantage of that every single moment and because of it you are able to post on this website. You are able to still post your Christian views on Facebook, write and read Christian books. But, instead because you think all of this freedom came by way of atheist/agnostic/skeptic humanism you pander to the idiocy offered by Christians parroting humanist philosophy. Then those of us who thank God he gave us such a foundation are now 'living in the flesh' because We (I) seek to maintain that constitution and what brings to the table for the Christian.

Left voting, Democrat, liberal Christians are the same thing as homosexual Christians, pedophile Christians, murdering Christians...they are an oxymoron, a walking contradiction. The difference between a pedophile Christian and a left-voting Christian? The left voting Christian is left to continue doing damage to this country and poisoning the culture...whereas the pedophile is at least disdained and opposed...for now.

There are two groups in America...those who seek to leech off of it until it dies...and those who seek to preserve it by way of maintaining the constitution and laws that make it possible to live as a free-man and free-thinking (not atheist) without a prison sentence.


 2018/7/9 14:18Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


- Father God, we thank You for the balance of power our Founders so wisely established in our Constitution. We bring this nominee before Your Throne of Grace today, asking only that Your perfect will be done now on earth, as it is in Heaven. If Brett Kavanaugh is the man of Your choosing to serve as the next Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, we ask for swift confirmation in the Senate. But Father God, if Brett Kavanaugh is not the man of Your choosing, we ask that his nomination be blocked. In Jesus Name, amen.



 2018/7/11 5:46Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


Amen brother mike.


 2018/7/11 11:16Profile

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