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Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA


A few weeks ago I posted a thread called "A revelation of HIM". This powerful revelation of HIM came with a vision. In the vision I saw King Jesus in His kingdom looking down over a sea of people. He loving looked into the masses of people day & night looking for any who would come up to Him. The people were sick, their minds were sick, their bodies were diseased, their clothes were dirty & ripped. The people knew that Jesus was King, but seemed too busy with the other people around or too sick to care that HE was even there.

I knew that I came from among these people. I was one of the sick and dying, but I heard HIS voice calling out to me. I went up to HIM and allowed HIM to cleanse me. As the weeks went by I couldn't stop thinking about these particular the way their clothes looked. The color just didn't seem right. The color was tan or light brown. I thought that if I was seeing people in the world they wouldn't have any clothes at all, and if they did they would be black and filty. With that thought the Lord spoke to me and said "You saw my church. They once wore garmets that were white as snow, but they picked up the things of the world. They won't come up to me and allow me to cleanse and heal them. I am coming back soon and my beloved church is not ready"

Will you allow Jesus to clean your gown??? Will you allow HIM to show you the things of the world that you carry around with you...will you allow HIM to take them when HE does show you. He is coming back for HIS bride. He will not take the ones who are not ready. You are not ready if you are wearing a dirty wedding gown. Allow HIM to clean you today!! Just go to HIM!! Run to HIM now before it is too late!!!


 2005/7/1 0:42Profile

Joined: 2005/5/19
Posts: 118
Austin Tx.


Amen! Excellent encouragment for us today! I will choose to say "YES LORD" and run to His forgiveness!


 2005/7/1 1:03Profile

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