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Joined: 2016/8/10
Posts: 242

 When you fast...

Dear Saints,

I write once again with a question on fasting. I am convinced of the necessity of fasting, on a regular basis. My question is not "Why?" but "How?". How do you fast? No eating and drinking - I know that but... what do you do that day / those days? Do you set aside a whole day without work or any other engagements? Do you pray or read the Bible all the time? What if you have to go to work on the day?

I do not want to find for myself excuses for not fasting. I just feel that I do not do it the best way :(

How do you schedule your day when you fast?

Thanks in advance!

Yours in Christ,

 2018/6/16 12:51Profile

Joined: 2010/8/24
Posts: 1035

 Re: When you fast...

Hello Esther, please do take the time to listen to this message on fasting. I have learned so much from it.



 2018/6/16 13:04Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: When you fast...

by TakeUptheCross
How do you fast? No eating and drinking - I know that but...

Luke 4:1 Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days He was tempted by the devil. ***He ate nothing during those days, and when they had ended, He was hungry.***

Jesus drank water or it would have said, "He was hungry and thirsty."

Our bodies can go days and days without food but not without water. So never fast without water unless you feel a definite and sure leading of the Holy Spirit.

by TakeUptheCross
what do you do that day / those days? Do you set aside a whole day without work or any other engagements? Do you pray or read the Bible all the time? What if you have to go to work on the day?

What good is it to fast only to end up watching your favorite TV shows all evening or weekend? You might as well just go on a diet if that is the case. :)

If you are fasting all day, if you have to go to work, then go to work, when you are giving up meals, read your Bible / meet with Jesus to get to know Him so much better than you already do because you want MORE of Jesus and less of this world!

God bless you,


 2018/6/16 21:41Profile

Joined: 2007/1/15
Posts: 365

 Re: When you fast...

Dear Sister,
The last time we fasted, we opted for a modified 'Daniel fast' i.e. we ate fruits and vegetables, with water.
During the day, I listened to worship music, read the bible and prayed. I wish I prayed more but sometimes i was felt too weak to do aught else

If you work outside the home, I would recommend a time when you don't have any deadlines or other energy-intensive things to do.


 2018/6/18 23:24Profile

Joined: 2016/8/10
Posts: 242


Thanks for the responses!

@Lysa - I do not want to quarell over drinking water or not. I see instances in the Bible where they neither drank nor ate - the fast of Nineveh, of Moses, of Elijah. Now one brother told me that when he fasts for one day - it is without eating and drinking. But when it is for more days, he drinks only water.

But that is only the "visible" part of a fast. I found that in Isaiah 58 we have a very good description of what God expects from fasting people.

What good is it to fast only to end up watching your favorite TV shows all evening or weekend? You might as well just go on a diet if that is the case. :)

Very true!

Sometimes I cannot pray or read the Word for more than few hours, and I have to do something - not just lie on my couch and say "Uhm... I am fasting!" But this something should be some good works, I believe according to Isaiah 58 - correct me if I am wrong.


 2018/6/19 11:03Profile

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