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Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 The Wrong Side of the Line

It is one thing to have a burden, it is another thing to impose it upon others. Do we, or do we not, believe that God is in control of all things? It is the LORD that gives us the burden - this burden for one, that burden for another. To set about to impose guilt upon others so that they too will desire to carry our burden is to take sides with the accuser of the brethren.

How is it that we expect our prayers to have power when we are standing on the wrong side of the line? And without power, what is the point of the burden?

 2018/6/2 1:01Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA

 Re: The Wrong Side of the Line

Hi Heartsong: I take this post as a veiled reference to Brother Blaine's dealings with the SI group about the persecuted Church. If so, he didn't do anything wrong to me, I read what he said, I read his frustrations and commentary on how part of the Church is being forgotten.

What he matter how clumsily or poorly conveyed removed any of us from the matter in which he spoke. I am saddened at his departure, he is a good brother and worthy of listening to.

This whole website finds it bonding with those of like minds. for some, they bond over a cause, a work or passion. Brother Blaine wanted us to bond with him over that concern for the persecuted Church. It seems he left because that bond could not be made ( to his satisfaction).

Do you want us to share your burden and unite with you over freedom from imposition? Do you want us to share your burden to obtain power from God to do his will and work? Why ask such a question "How is it that we expect our prayers to have power when we are standing on the wrong side of the line?" in the negative assuming "some prefixed line you assume is crossed" puts us out of sorts with God giving us power to do his will?

We didnt gain anything by losing Brother Blaines constant call to prayer for the persecuted Church. He didn't step over any 'line' in scripture, all he did was gain to himself the title 'condemner' some believed it, some thought themselves condemned because of his postings.

I'm not here taking sides for Brother Blaine, I shouldn't have to, what I am saying is, he found a hill to die on, to sacrifice himself upon and in doing so incited some to feel badly about themselves via his postings.

Think for a moment, isn't there anything you are so passionate about that makes you look bad, makes you look silly or carnal or mean or selfish? I for one am glad Brother Blaine has that strong of a passion for people he cares about. I am not condemned I am not judged, maybe getting past all that lay the truth.


 2018/6/3 20:58Profile

Joined: 2017/7/14
Posts: 1165
Snoqualmie, WA


Should I feel condemned? Should I feel imposed upon?

You tell me. Where did he cross the line?


 2018/6/3 21:28Profile

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