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 We live

We live

We live because another died
We laugh because another cried
We rise because another fell
And rose again and conquered hell

I'm blameless because another took my blame
I'm unashamed for another took my shame
I'm no longer guilty for another took my guilt
And upon firm foundations a temple He has built

I am righteous for another took my place
I am saved for another ran the race
I am healed for another took my blows
And I'll follow Him where ere He goes

My Lord my God my substitute
You are my vine and very root
I love because you first loved me
You died to set the captive free

You rule and reign forever more
Your the sheep for the gate, you are my door
You beckon me to walk right through
To come and rule and reign with you ........bro Frank

 2018/5/21 10:42

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