The other day a friend asked me to listen to a video by Walid Shoebat so I listened to "Bible Prophecy and the Coming Muslim anti-Christ". I believed he was right on target in saying how Islam is anti-Christ. In doing more checking on YouTube one finds he has a lot of critics and given the subject this is to be expected. In exercising discernment I felt one needs to check the content of the message whether one should accept it or reject it - lying has become so commonplace that one is being taxed to the limit to discern truth from error.Anyhow, has anyone here listened to his take on Israel, its role in the endtimes, the anti-Christ?Sandra
_________________Sandra Miller
My understanding is that Shoebat converted to a Catholic ? at the very least he is a very strong defender of the Catholic Church. It does not take much reading of Shoebat for alarms to go off. "...Was it the Montanists, Novationists, Donatists, Docetists, Cathars, Albigensians, Waldenses, Hussites, and the followers of Wycliff? Were these “The Church” that Jesus spoke about? Were these the true Bible-believing, evangelical-type, spirit-filled believers?There is no historian who will tell you that these movements even fit into the definition of evangelical “spirit-filled” model. Such movements, which the Catholics squashed (thank God), were radically non-Christian, heretical, and gnostic." - Walid Shoebat"...which the Catholics squashed (thank God)" ))) ??? If you are interested in Eschatology I would recommend :
Sister I would be cautious of Wahid Shoebat. Not so much as to what he says as more his personal ministry. Questions have been raised as to claims that he has made. Also his ministry practices are called into question. He gives tremendous credence to Catholicism. His messages would seem to indicate that he considers the RCC as the only true church.Anyway sister there's enough questions raised regarding Wahid Shoebat that would warrant one to use caution. Personally I do not consider him a reliable source when it comes to the persecuted church. Ginny these are my thoughts regarding Wahud Shoebat. Hope this helps.Blaine
Ginny here is a thread opened on Wahid Shoebat about a year ago. Need to Google Catholic Sermons on SI. For some reason I can't paste the link.Blaine
For whatever reason, those against Israel just hate Israel, not that they truly love the palestinian people, nor they love the church or understand God just as the apostle paul did to the christians before his conversion.But you see the global hatred for israel is peaking now as prophesied, only the US-Trump and those as moved by God provide some relief. Israel is sinful as they are, but we have to respect whatever undeserved favor God is showing that nation, that even in the new heaven and earth to come, the israel patriarchs and tribal memorials will take prominence. God declared that Israel is engraven in His hands, but what is that to us if God's faithfulness cannot be broken.
I read most of this article as found here: me irreverent, if you will, but it almost made me chuckle. The fellow was/is angry at Protestants and if there is any comfort, I understand his anger in their acceptance of perversion and other idiotic philosophies. I do take pause with his abhorrence of other church groups that rose in opposition to the Catholic church.There is one thing we have to admit and that is God did use the Catholic church to halt the spread of Islam into Europe. Even though that is the case, this does not mean they met with God's approval - this was just a powerful entity that God used...He still does things like this today - using evil men to halt the work of other evil folks. Now, maybe he ought to meet Boris Sorokovsky and get another perspective of walking with the LORD.Thanks for the insights shared....will check it out more.Sandra
RE : /// Ginny here is a thread opened on Wahid Shoebat about a year ago. Need to Google Catholic Sermons on SI. For some reason I can't paste the link.Blaine///I will see if I can link itCatholic sermons on SI Murray brought up some concerns about SI hosting some of Shoebat's sermons.Bro Greg did some researching himself and wisely concluded with the following : ///Saints,After reading quite a few articles and reviewing his websites, we have removed the messages. There seems to be an extremism in everything that is written for attention and shock and awe. Some of these materials do not just borderline indecent but are morally not good for believers to view and read. Also I fully agree that when a drum is being beaten for physical force and retaliation of any kind from a Christian this is not right. We praise God that he was delivered from the false belief of Islam but may God preserve him from other extremes in Christianity and hold fast to the Head alone, Jesus Christ ////