Brothers and Sisters, I'm writing with a heavy heart. Already a year ago I was considering to leave the forum, now I think it is time. Thank you Greg for all your work and making all those messages available. Thank you all who wrote encouraging, helpful, edifying posts and prayed. I learnt A LOT on this forum.
But I have many concerns and I mentioned some of them occasionally. We should "build each other up" but many times it seems we come here to "build ourselves up". We should promote revival but I believe many discussions have a negative effect on those who come here, seeking the Lord
Before I go I would like to re-post something. A bit over a year ago I had the privilege to visit Herrnhut in Germany - a remarkable experience. "Herrnhut had become a gathering place for many religious exiles. These spoke different languages and had differing customs. Creeds varied. Lutherans, Schwenkfelders, Separatists, Reformed and Brethren lived side by side. Squabbles developed. Zinzendorf found himself moving from home to home speaking with families of their spiritual need. The people began to study the Bible, hold all-night prayer vigils and confess their sins one to another. Zinzendorf established "bands," groups of two, three or more who would encourage each other spiritually. Plans were drawn up to reorganize and unify the community. A sense of expectancy grew. On August 13, 1727, at a baptism and communion service, the Holy Spirit moved through the room. Differences dissolved. All embraced one another in forgiveness and a spirit of love. Christ became central to their thinking.(from Dan Graves, MSL, Moravians at Herrnhut, )
Note: Christ became central to their thinking.
Paul wrote: Though I am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, 9and to illuminate for everyone the stewardship of this mystery, which for ages past was hidden in God, who created all things.…(Ephesians 3:8,9
For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:8)
Greg - can you please close my account, thank you.
Blessings to all |