Tomorrow this case goes before the Supreme Court in the USA. Like Daniel in Babylon, refusing to stop praying to God and the three other Jews refusing to bow down and worship a 90 foot statue....These are times when Christians will face ungodly men and government, decrees and laws. We must trust in God to deliver but whether we live or die pray that we stay true to our God. L
Sister Leslie writes...•••These are times when Christians will face ungodly men and government, decrees and laws. We must trust in God to deliver but whether we live or die pray that we stay true to our God. L•••Anen and so true to dear sister. Whether we live or die in the midst of our persecutions let Christ be glorified. Whatever the outcome of the case is for this dear man of God. May Christ be glorified.As Ken Miller, at least Jack Phillips has stayed true to his convictions and his conscience is clear. May our dear brothers be examples to us in the coming days ahead to stand firm for Jesus. May are persecuted brethren around the world be examples to us to stand firm for Jesus.Blaine
Amen Bro Blaine," Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, the glory majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever more. Amen." - Jude 24