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staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Docs Your Qoute average pew occupying laymen who espouse the pre-trib view are not aware of these beliefs that have grown out of and presently accompany the pre-trib view
If the average pew occopyer who espouse the pre trib are not aware of these beliefs then they dont believe in them.So they are safe from these heresys!We can only hope the average is the majority of believers. Also just because their are wrong teachings attached to either the Pre Trib or The Post Trib view it doesnt make the view wrong .We cant throw out the baby with the bath water just because the bathwater is unclean!urs staff |
2017/12/6 6:56 | Profile |
deltadom Member
Joined: 2005/1/6 Posts: 2359 Hemel Hempstead
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2017/12/6 14:50 | Profile |
staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Deltadom, Im sure the great doctor is an avid Post Tribulationist! and again if you are consistant with typology their are a whole lot of hidden gems for the Christian to find and not be afraid off,Urs staff |
2017/12/6 15:11 | Profile |
| Re: | | I don't quite understand why this topic fascinates so many. And many think they are "experts" on this topic.
The reality is simple. The Greek word that is translated "tribulation" appears 45 times in the NT. But there is not one verse in the entire Bible that tells us there will be a 7-year tribulation! If the 7 years are SO important why didn't God tell us directly ? God didn't tell us - but then who did? I give you a few names: Ribera is one of them, Darby has already been mentioned, Cyrus Scofield is another one. Sad that the influence of those men is now causing so much debate and even division in the church.
God has given us His Word mainly for our Salvation and to equip us for every good work and to build each other up! And He wants us to have unity in CHRIST. "So I would sum up Christian unity from Ephesians 2–4 as having common convictions about Christ, common confidence in Christ, and common care for each other.." (John Piper)
Blessings |
2017/12/6 22:23 | |
staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Markuskiwi, Firstly the reality isnt simple,it would be simple if the bible came out and said their will be a Tribulation on such and such a date and at such and such a time and it will last for X amount of years,but it doesnt.Its not a simple subject when you are looking through a glass thats dimmed. The Tribulation is never 7 years I agree its clearly 3 1/2 years.The seventh week of Daniel is 7 years which includes the earlier mentioned three and a half years. Why people are interested and fascinated? The tribulation is a "looking Glass" on our other beliefs for instance if you are Pre Trib you will most probably believe in "Once Saved,Always Saved" and if you are Post Trib you will probably believe in "You Can Lose Your Salvation". Those beliefs are directly connected to Our views on Grace. Can Grace be measured?Can you fall out of Grace?etc So our Trib views effect or are a symptom of our other views rightly or wrongly,its not an isolated subject at all,urs staff |
2017/12/7 6:16 | Profile |
staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Markuskiwi, On Unity,Unity is mentioned in regards to the gifts in the new Testament .I think people miss that...Unity is mentioned in the Epistles when the List of Gifts are mentioned .I can therefore deduct that their can be no real and lasting Unity in the Church unless the Gifts are in operation correctly, Unity is not a buddy buddy thing , its the machine working properly and in order ,its the body parts doing what they arre meant to do(not something else)at the time they are meant too with the humilility they are meant to have. urs staff |
2017/12/7 6:24 | Profile |
mguldner Member
Joined: 2009/12/4 Posts: 1862 Kansas
| Re: | | "If the 7 years are SO important why didn't God tell us directly ? God didn't tell us - but then who did?"
Matthew 24:36 But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
I would say if God the Son doesn't know the time, and God the Spirit doesn't know it is safe to say there is a reason we don't know. _________________ Matthew Guldner
2017/12/7 8:47 | Profile |
savannah Member
Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: know-time | |
mguldner said,
"I would say if God the Son doesn't know the time, and God the Spirit doesn't know it is safe to say there is a reason we don't know."
Does God the Son know the time now? Was Jesus saying that He did not know, at the time He said this, but He does now?
Thanks ahead of time, for clarifying.
2017/12/7 9:37 | Profile |
mguldner Member
Joined: 2009/12/4 Posts: 1862 Kansas
| Re: | | Great question! Perhaps He knows now! He didn't mention it in Revelation so maybe He doesn't still. Sooooo my clarification is I have no idea! But it would explain why Christ didn't tell us the time or hour while He was with His disciples. Maybe He did tell them but they forgot to write it down because they thought "Well there is no way we are going to forget that date and time." and like Israel forgetting God generation after generation forgot the time and hour and to cover their bases they just put that in the bible.
This of course is the purest of speculations and is most certainly incorrect and an attempt at humor on my part. _________________ Matthew Guldner
2017/12/7 9:45 | Profile |
staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Hi Mguldner, Nobody said the Holy Spirit didnt know as he is all knowing. Their are many things that have been revealed over time by God including the end times.Jesus at the time of his death was living by Faith like the rest of us.He didnt know the exact time only that the end of the age would happen at some time.We dont know whether Jesus now in heaven knows the exact time but probably he does.Why do we not know exactly?We are living by faith but we do know at some that God will reveal more and more as the time approaches. Why is the 7 years of Daniel not told directly? Well many things in the Bible including the existance of the Church was hidden in the Old Testament so this is not uncommon.Also the scripture rewards the people who diligently search for knowledge and understanding so its not all going to be sitting right in front of you,urs staff |
2017/12/7 9:51 | Profile |